Farewell to Drexel: A Reflection on My Final Week

As I sit down to write my final blog post, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nostalgia. This past week at Drexel University was a whirlwind of activities, marking the end of a memorable term.

The week started with a major challenge: presenting a lecture on deep learning in my Systems Neuroscience class. Although the thought of teaching a 40-minute class was intimidating at first, with good preparation, I managed to handle it well. To keep things lively, I interacted with the students by asking questions and gave away candy to those who provided the best answers, which made the experience enjoyable for everyone.

Another highlight of the week was completing my final project in a design class that I hadn’t talked much about before. We were required to create and paint a design, and I chose a leopard pattern. This project allowed me to tap into my creative side, providing a refreshing break from my more scientific studies. Here is my final result:

The academic rigor continued with the final exam in Systems Neuroscience. It was challenging, but it felt like a fitting end to the hard work put in throughout the term.

In between the busy schedule of finals, I also planned a trip to Miami with my roommates and friends to celebrate the end of exams. I’m really looking forward to relaxing and soaking up some sun, enjoying a well-deserved break after the intense study period.

Reflecting on the entire term, it’s amazing to think about how quickly everything has gone by. My experience at Drexel has been incredibly enriching. From delving deep into neuroscience to exploring my artistic abilities, I’ve had lot of new experiences. I’ve learned a great deal, not just academically but also about myself, and I’ve met many wonderful people along the way.

As I say goodbye to the Drexel community, I feel grateful for all the moments that have shaped my journey here. This term has been a blend of challenges and achievements, and each step has helped me grow.

Thank you, Drexel, for the fantastic memories and learning opportunities. Although this blog marks the end of my term, the friendships and experiences I’ve gained will stay with me. I look forward to whatever comes next and am excited to carry these lessons into future adventures.

Here’s to new beginnings and continued learning. Farewell, Drexel!

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