For my final blog post, I would like to introduce my travel buddy, Sally. Sally is a popular LINE Friends character that keeps me company whenever I travel. I enjoy documenting every new place I travel to with a Sally photo so that I can create fun memories to look back on. I frequently give Sally plushies to my friends and family and encourage them to share pictures of Sally whenever they visit new places together so that we can all stay connected. To commemorate the end of my first semester in Aberdeen, here are a few of my favorite Sally photos I’ve taken during my time abroad.
Aberdeen Art Museum:
Sally obviously is a great muse and her drawings fit in perfectly with the other pieces in Aberdeen’s Art Museum. Many of the exhibits were interactive and the building was huge. There were many pieces that we were in awe of, but my favorite was the huge portrait of Queen Victoria that they displayed on the first floor.

Molly Malone Statue:
The Molly Malone statue was inspired by a fictional fishmonger. She inspired popular stories and tourists go out of their way to visit this statue. It was a bit disheartening to see all of the tarnish on her chest up close because visitors touch her chest for “good luck,” but the statue included an interesting audio element that you can listen to which explained more of her story beyond the barbaric ritual of people rubbing her chest.

Guinness Storehouse:
In Dublin, the Guinness Storehouse had a Christmas card photo booth where we could create our own virtual card to print and send out. Many of the exhibits and tasting sessions were quite interactive and my friend and I ended up staying well past the time we planned on staying.

Dublin Portal:
When I took a weekend trip to Ireland, I made sure to stop and visit the Portal. The Portal is a temporary interactive installation that is located in multiple areas across the globe. All of the portals connect to each other and you can view and interact with other people around the world in real time. However, with my luck, the Dublin portal was experiencing some issues when I visited. I was a bit disappointed, since I wanted to see my friends in Philly through the portal, but we each still took Sally photos in front of the portal for fun.

Going into my second semester here in Aberdeen, I am excited to explore more with my travel buddy, Sally!
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