Hello everyone !! I hope your week is going well until now….
I like to think about being an exchange student as being a sort of diplomat. You find yourself in another country and you suddenly find yourself boasting about your home city, your university, your program. I think I might have promised 47 people to host them once they visit me in Paris since I’ve arrived.
If you’re on this blog, you probably do not need convincing as to why studying abroad is the best experience you could have during undergrad, but I’m here to convince you and answer all your questions about studying in France, most particularly Paris!
Besides, I’ve talked a lot about living in Philadelphia, now it’s time for you to be sold the dream!
EU – yes you can move around the country very naturally, nicer for a visa
I should start with the most general and then skim down to the most specific. If you go to study abroad in a European country, you will benefit from the wonderful Espace Schengen. Espace Schengen is an accord that allows for free circulation inside the EU. That means your visa will allow you to travel without any additional fees or restrictions!
A striking example of this is in the City of Strasbourg, in Alsace (the region that inspired several anime !), you can just cross a bridge, and I mean, just straight walk and poof you’re in Germany!
There is so many amazing things to visit and see all across Europe and not only do the railing and train infrastructures make the travel very accessible, but the Schengen space is definitely a plus as well.
Public transport & walking – European walkable is not American walkable
Most European cities, particularly Paris, are walkable, which does not only mean you can walk from one place to another, but you actually should! Not only is it actually cheaper, but it also gives you the opportunity to go through several neighborhoods and observe the layers of history and influence.
In addition, some transport stations have been decorated according to the place they represent, for instance in Paris, the Louvre Rivoli station is a tiny museum in itself!
I used to think our public transport infrastructure was pretty dirty and slow, but after the comparison trial, I must say it is pretty reliable!
Paris – the perfect city to visit

Now is the time to sell you my city.
Paris has it all, and I mean it, everything you could potentially want.
Museums? We have some about art, architecture, history, science institutes…
Parties? Outdoor clubs, bars, dancing restaurants…
Middle-aged fan? We have it
Renaissance: girl, we have Versailles
Modern architecture and street art; welcome to the 13th!
Cute coffee shops … So many !!

So Paris is the perfect travel destination, even if you and your friends have different tastes and expectations. Often, the main hesitation is not about the city of Paris in itself but rather its inhabitants, the infamous Parisians. We are known to be grumpy, unwelcoming, and condescending. And yes, it can be true… if you do not respect the city and everything it has to offer. I saw one of my favorite American influencers currently living in France and she was saying how sweet and nice the people were if you actually smiled at them and made an effort to be open and nice. And she is 100% right, the reason why Parisians are often so grumpy is that most tourists do not take into account that most of us actually live and work in Paris and that it is not only a village to visit. So as long as you’re mindful to not be too loud in public spaces, and keep in mind that Parisians have to think of their obligations before the tourists, everything will go smoothly.
After this quick introduction, I’m thinking of giving you more precise recommendations so let me know if you have any specific demands.
In the meantime, talk to you next week!
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