I hope to be of some help, and not just echo the sentiments of all study abroad affiliates and hopeful parents. My reflection of my time in Copenhagen may be a bit idealized, as I’ve just finished reading all of the Harry Potter books while laying on beaches in southern France. But, this trip continues to be a masterclass in living life correctly.
I hate pictures. I’m terrible at them, and even if I were good, it’d never capture the moment.
What I appreciate most about my trip has been realizing how truly short it is. Six weeks is all. For one, I have greatly cherished the things I miss in America: that cool spot where my friends hang out, affordable thrift stores, grocery stores being open until 11 at night, mean people, and, still, Chipotle. And most importantly, it has forced me to do things. It’s easy to fall into a rhythm. I even have a gym membership, and after a week, I realized how similar all this is to America.
It made me sad for a bit, just realizing that every part of the world can’t be too different from any other, but a limited time-frame allows you to relish everything around you. Think about if someone from Copenhagen came to your city. They’d be enamored with hundreds of things that you take for granted – things you’ve seen every day. Last week, I climbed a spiral chapel that allowed me to see a 360 degree view of the entire city and swam in the glistening canal on a sunny day. I asked my roommates and they said they haven’t done these things in years. The things a local may find mundane can be spectacular to an outsider. Who said mundane is the opposite of beautiful? My favorite part of Copenhagen continues to be my six floor balcony. I can see above every building, and I enjoy the sunset every night. Don’t take for granted what you have.
And that’s the view from my gym. C’mon, man.

What I’d like to reiterate is just that – Do Things. Do all the things. The time you spend here (it’s been said a thousand times) is what you make of it. You can spend every day inside and ace your classes, or you could do everything until you feel like you’ve been here for seven years.
Go to that cool chapel you saw on the bus ride to your dorm. Go to that park you saw a group of kids dancing in. That weird antique store that feels like the owner is trying to rip you off? Check it out. Go to that restaurant that looks good but costs a hundred doubloons. Go dance in that weird airplane hangar where everyone is dressed cooler than you. Go ride a bike down unknown streets until you stumble upon something cool. This post might be a bit short, sorry, but there is no wisdom I can impart on you greater than just urging you to do the things you want to do.
You can waste away at home, it’s easy. It’s hard to just do new things, and be in a new place. What if it sucks? Whatever. It was still worth trying. The rollercoaster is always more fun than the merry-go-round.
Mustache compliment counter: 21 (big week for me)
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