Halfway Through a Summer in Shanghai

Photos taken by Aurora Brendtke (University of Michigan), Student Correspondent for CET Shanghai, Summer 2024

Home Far From Home

This is a little breath of Europe right next door to Donghua University, a place where I have met for interviews and meetings with my teacher. It is a popular place to hide from the sun and experience a Western vibe right in Shanghai. I’ve grown to like this place and its carefully crafted antique atmosphere.

Beauty of Shanghai Stations

An art exhibit within one of the Shanghai stations

Again, I must tell you that one of my favorite things about Shanghai is its subway system. Affordable, fast, and sometimes an art exhibit, such as this one! On this day, I was headed to my internship site for an in-person meeting. When you go somewhere new, especially alone, you’re challenged to make your way through the world in a small sense. This is one of many reasons I love wandering through the station. You see many new faces and things you wouldn’t have otherwise.

A Golden Opportunity: Jing’an Temple

A CET Shanghai student holding an umbrella by the Jing'an Temple on a cloudy and rainy day

After getting off the subway train, I landed in Jing’an Park, where you can see Jing’an Temple in the background. It is a beautiful, large golden-roof structure that I had the pleasure of seeing on my way to my student entrepreneurship project meeting. It’s located right in the neighborhood, along with a huge mall and places to get something to eat all around. It seems many people visit specifically to see it, though I only stumbled upon it here! It must be a good omen.

Hot Pot!

Raw meats on a plate with boiling broth at a hot pot restaurant in Shanghai

One thing I have learned about myself recently is that my favorite thing to eat is hot pot. As a girl on a paleo diet, I like to eat a lot of cooked meat and fresh fruits. This is the perfect option for me in Shanghai. It’s still about 80 to 100 yuan per person, and you can take your leftovers home to cook later so that it can be more like two meals. Here, I’m enjoying a night out at a restaurant near our school.

A Day Exploring Historical Shanghai

A little pond from Shanghai's Old Town square

Here is a scene from one Shanghai Old Town square, where you can see natural beauty is intertwined with Buddhist influence. In my class, which is about understanding the behavior and culture of the Chinese consumer, we explored the streets of the old town, noting the architectural influences and market activity. We tasted tea, got our hair styled with stick hairpins, picked out elegant fans, and bought handmade gifts for our family back home.

River Tracing in HangZhou

CET Shanghai students in safety gear while climbing wet and slippery rocks in HangZhou

I’m from Michigan, so river tracing is not new to me, but all of this safety gear was! It sort of made swimming harder than usual, but nonetheless, this day of climbing up waterfalls and stepping on and around rocks was so much fun. I grow increasingly appreciative of sports in nature when I try them. I totally understand what all the hype is about, and would go again if I could!

Milk Tea (Actually Fruit Tea)

Large milk teas gathered in the center for a photo

When you only have one night to check out a new town, you have to try their local food and drink. Here, we visited a NaiCha Dian (milk tea shop) that doesn’t exist in Shanghai. In my opinion, a lot of chains of milk tea shops taste the same, but in a good way. On the way, we made conversation with locals. They were asking where we were from and what we were all doing in HangZhou. No matter the area, Chinese people are very friendly and love chatting you up!

Soaring Over Mountain Trees

A group of CET Shanghai students in a clear cable car over trees

The only thing I could think of when flying above a few acres of mountain area was that I must be in Jurassic Park. That is because the types of trees and greenery I saw looked totally prehistoric. In the cable car, you can see mountains any way you look, so I preferred to take in its beauty this way more than any other.

Go-Kart Racing Down DaMing Shan

Go-kart station in DaMing Shan with people waiting in line on the side in Shanghai

At the end of the day, we not only got to go down the mountain on a slide, but we also got to race down to a finish line. On this trip, I have already learned many new likes and dislikes. Racing might be my newest! It’s unexpected, but I think I’m inspired to finally get my license.

Halfway There

A CET Shanghai student with her hands up while standing by a railing in front of a view of green mountains

It doesn’t feel like it, but I’m almost halfway through this program. By the time it’s over, I might not want to leave. It is a beautiful country with amazing people. I have made new friends, vacationed, gone dancing, ate delicious food, and experienced city life. I have grown to really love China.

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