While studying at the University of Leeds, I have lectures once a week for each module and seminars every other week. This leave me with two days of the week with no classes, so how do I spend my days off?
1 PM: Study
With plans for later in the day, I decide to start with studying. I have a presentation coming up next week for PSYC1618 – Individual Differences, so I need to read an assigned research paper and help my group prepare a presentation on it. This is not a graded assignment and only meant to be for practice. However, I have a final paper for PHIL1007 – Philosophy of Religion and LUBS2150 – People in Organisations, and these assignments are graded. They aren’t due until January, but professors offer to check them before winter break, so I am aiming to have a draft by then.
4 PM: Walk
I need to be on campus at 5. My accommodation, Lupton Residences, is the cheapest university accommodation, but also the furthest. The bus usually takes 20 minutes, but it was close to rush hour, so I avoided traffic by walking. It is a 1.5 mile walk and takes me 30-40 minutes. With it being autumn, the trees were filled with gorgeous colors and made it a pleasant walk.

5 PM: Freestyle Dance Class
The societies offer some of the best opportunities at the University of Leeds. With 300 societies hosting weekly activities, it has given me the chance to explore many of my interests and meet new people with similar hobbies. This day, Freestyle Dance was offering a two hour class to raise money for breast cancer. It was fun, I learned something new, and got to help out with a good cause.
7 PM: Light Night Leeds
For almost two decades, Leeds has been hosting the largest light festival in the UK every October. People from Leeds and the nearby areas come to see the displays across the cities. University of Leeds students contribute to some of the artwork, such as The Nectary (pictured on the right), which recreates bees buzzing inside a flower. It was inspired by the research of a PhD student and students helped assemble it as well. My friends and I got to explore the city while talking and admiring the various displays.

9 PM: Ice Stone Gelato
After walking around for the light festival, we wrapped up the night by going to Ice Stone Gelato for dessert. Over a bowl of pistachio and raspberry gelato, we talked for two hours about university life and our cultural differences.

This is an example of one of the days I had time off. Other times, I have explored Lake District for a day, celebrated my flatmate’s birthday over Sunday roast, taken a snowboarding lesson with the Snowriders Society, and traveled with friends to Ireland. There is variety between each day, and I am constantly being pushed out my comfort zone. Through new experiences, I learn more about myself and the people around me. Sometimes we face setbacks and have to adapt to the situation, but this is an essential skill to develop in life.
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