A scammer tried to bait me with a job offer today, and here's what tipped me off

Today a scammer tried to bait me with a job offer. We had been exchanging emails for a week, and at first I was happy that I had an offer. Then I remembered that I had never had a phone or video interview with them, and there were a lot of weird things in the email.

Application I D 28/2024/SE

Acceptance Letter

Software Engineer

We are delighted to inform you that we have decided to extend to you a position as a Software Engineer . We have carefully reviewed your impressive skill level and experience, which we believe will make a significant contribution to the overall success of our department.

As a member of our creative team, you will receive your daily duties via email, and I will be available to guide you through your tasks. Prior to commencing your work, we will provide you with three to five days of online training via Zoom, which will equip you with the necessary skills to make a meaningful contribution to our team.

We are pleased to offer you a highly competitive starting rate of $60 per hour. You will receive your pay weekly, and we offer various payment methods, including wire transfer, direct deposit, or check, depending on your preference. You will also receive access to Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance, as well as Term Life Insurance, Employee Wellness, and Paid Time Off. After three months of employment with us, you will be eligible for enrollment in other benefits.

For the first five days of employment, we will communicate virtually. Beyond that, we will provide you with a username and password to access our company server, along with a list of contact phone numbers for various departments and all necessary forms to fill out. Before you commence work, we will provide you with a payment (check), which will be used to set up your mini-office by purchasing the office equipment and software required to commence your training and work.

Our goal is to get you started on your training as soon as possible. We will send you an Employment Offer Letter and request that you provide us with the following details for registration and preparation:

  • First and Last Name

  • Address

  • Telephone Number

Once we receive this information, we will be able to get you set up and prepared to commence work. We are confident that your knowledge, skills, and experience will be an excellent fit for our team, and we are excited to have you on board.

Congratulations on this opportunity, and we look forward to your contribution to our team’s success.

Stuff to look out for:

1) Check Fraud: Wants to send you a check immediately to set up your office (this is the scam, they will tell you they sent too much and ask you to wire a portion back before the check clears)

2) Too Good To Be True: Extremely generous offer of money and benefits immediately upon hiring, including nonsensical benefits like vacation pay for a contractor

3) Distant: No phone call or video call, just offered me the job based on written answers to a list of “interview questions”

4) Ignores Questions: Deflects and downplays questions or requests for clarification (I asked why they were inconsistent about it being junior or senior, and got a job offer instead of an answer)

5) Janky: Inconsistent writing style from the same address across multiple emails

6) Do Your Research: The letterhead of a .doc they sent me says they’re in Wisconson, while their Whois says they’re in Iceland

7) Fake Company: The domain in their email address does not load, and does not return pings (with or without a www. prefix)

submitted by /u/thomar
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