Ai proof jobs 4 new Dads

Hey everyone,

I’ve been pondering how AI might wipe out around 30% of banking jobs, making tellers and even loan officers more obsolete than a flip phone. Radiologists? They’ll be outmatched by AI that can detect way more shades of gray than we ever could. It’s got me thinking about job security now that I’m 43 and a new dad. While I might inherit some money down the line, I want to build a solid life for my son.

Living in Arizona, I’m increasingly concerned about the reliability of our power grid, especially with the looming threats of solar flares or potential infrastructure attacks. The thought of a major outage—or something like the Carrington Event, which disrupted telegraph systems in the 1800s—is unsettling. Just as that solar storm caused widespread communication failures back then, a similar event today could wreak havoc on our interconnected digital infrastructure, from power grids to internet systems. It’s a stark reminder that even the most advanced technology can be vulnerable.

Here’s what I’m considering:

  1. Trade Skills: Plumbing and electrical work—because who doesn’t want to be the go-to fix-it person? Plus, these jobs require hands-on skills that AI can’t easily replicate.

  2. Emergency Preparedness: First aid and survival skills. I might as well be the MacGyver of parenting, ready for anything!

  3. Gardening/Sustainability: Growing my own food—because grocery stores might not always be reliable when the world goes sideways.

  4. Mechanical Skills: Learning how to fix things. Someone has to keep the cars running, especially when self-driving cars hit a snag!

  5. Cybersecurity: Knowing how to keep my digital life safe. Can’t let hackers mess with my kid’s future—privacy is a must!

  6. Community Involvement: Joining local groups focused on disaster prep. A little community spirit goes a long way when the power goes out!

  7. Lifelong Learning: Exploring renewable energy and other cool tech—gotta stay ahead of the game and make myself indispensable.

  8. Mental Health: Prioritizing my sanity, because parenting is a wild ride and I need to be in top shape for my little one!

I’m also worried about jobs in retail, customer service, and even some aspects of healthcare that are ripe for AI takeover. Any suggestions for securing a bright future for my family while preparing for these potential disasters? Thanks for any wisdom you can share!

submitted by /u/danloveslola
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