AITA, Quitting, now I'm falling out with work friends.. Kind of.

For context I’ve been at this job for 8 months now. Its a cafe and over this time ive made friends with one person (GIRL A) that was kind of left on its sinking ship with me. We’ve hung out and watched movies and as upper management is getting us more staff, i’ve been the one to try and tie everyone together. I invited a new girl (GIRL B) to come along with me and Girl A to a hangout we’ve been planning for a month and even took the day off for. A few days before, Girl A Asks if her boyfriend can come. We’ve been planning this for a month and it really just feels like Girl A doesnt respect our friendship too much since it’s been a reoccuring thing where their boyfriend randomly shows up, or says “my boyfriend is here can they join us”.. So I say ” you don’t want to go on a date with us?!” jokingly, and then they dry text and say later that night they’re not feeling good. Then, both the girls cancel day of because they didnt feel like it and said maybe some other time, not really bothering to reschedule because “Girl A gets anxious without their boyfriend” and Girl B has a lot going on. Which is fine, cool. A month goes by. I havent worked with both these girls as us the trio together in a while, but it’s been a thing where they push me onto a position in the team i dont feel like. This shift me and Girl B open the cafe together, one on one lowkey talking and then just kind of being on our phones, Girl A comes in i greet them they just kind of look at me and dont say anything. Weird but whatever. Girl A asks Girl B infront of me what role they want to do today as part of the team (drinks, order taking, smoothies), Girl B says Smoothies, Girl A doesn’t really say anything. An order comes by, I start helping Girl A out with her position since its a really big order, and they go to cash out the person. I assume they want to do orders so I let them. Another order buzzes to be answered, I don’t answer it because i’m doing my role. They keep sighing acting mad and then Girl B takes the order, side eyeing me and acting extremely upset i didnt take it. Girl A comes up to me after the order while Im doing my portion and says “Move im doing this”. I reply “Oh okay, I don’t really want to do Order taking today. What else can I do”. Mind you I didnt but in on their conversation because they talked To eachother and didn’t bother to ask for my input. I didn’t hear anything that Girl A said for what she wanted to do just her actions so i assumed. Girl A gets upset and says that I could of said something instead of just letting the order ring, I respond referencing they kind of started talking about their positions and that i’ve brought up i feel like order taking is a thing pushed onto me. Girl A tells me that I was disrespectful. That I could of said something, its not on them and is doing that whole mean girl act. I apologize and say “Okay, youre right. I should of said something sooner. I’m sorry about not voicing myself properly, what can i do other than order taking”. They act stressed talk to eachother, go to the other side of the restraunt and trash talk me out loud but im partially deaf so i cant really really hear what they said but it was about me. Doing the whole “im going to be mean and complain and say whatever i want just not to her face but across the room so she can hear it” type thing. I ignore it. I do my thing, they start microanalyzing me. When i have to do 6 drinks at once and do food, because im not a GOD and doing everything at once they sigh scoff stomp over and do something like put food in the oven or take it out. Visibly annoyed, towards me. I ignore it brush it off, but also annoyed at how they’re acting and wanting to move past it. I say during a time while its slow “Hey, I just want to reiterate. Im sorry about how i voiced myself, you guys are my friends. Ill make sure to feel more comfy speaking to you guys” they say its cool and walk away. During the whole day they keep doing the micro analyzing and acting annoyed and being super critical but indirect about it during my shift. As its time for me to head i out I run to the bathroom during my last 15, come back before clockout time start wrapping up my duties, they act annoyed Still at my existence, Girl B suddenly acts friendly asks when i work next yadda yadda I act super friendly in return as if nothing happened because it was NOT that big of a deal. and I say goodbye to everyone nicely Girl A just crosses their arms and looks me up and down and turns. I brush it off. Later that day i text them one on one because i was upset and was hoping to talk to them. I say “Hey, Im sorry again for how i acted. I know ive already apologized twice but I just thought i could give some insight and maybe we could talk one on one if its still affecting you. Im in a situation where i had someone pass away and im also going through problems at home, this may have been projected in my dismissive behavior. I’m sorry and hope i didnt treat you any less than your worth.” They just respond “its cool”. … So I unadd them, I feel as though at work and out of work ive always listened to them and their personal things, ive been the friend and teammate thats cared and helped with work and everything. And now that one thing has happened they blow me off and the more it simmers the more i start to get upsets and realize how unfair it is. Has something similar ever happened to you? What were your next steps, how did you handle working with these people after whateverness happened?

submitted by /u/Top_Obligation4791
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