Ugh. I’m worrying if this is a good fit for me. I’ve worked as a financial aid advisor at my current job for 3 months. I came to this job with almost 2 years of prev experience, it’s a school I’ve been trying to get into for a while. When I trained, I was with the manager and there were no other new hires. The mgr pointed out to the team in my first ever team meeting that I was a quick learner etc and I also got that kind of feedback when we were 1:1. I was eventually passed down to a supervisor and she also said the same kind of feedback like the mgr.
Every week, the supervisor and I have a 1:1 where we go over my students and metrics, she wants to talk about each of my students (mostly the ones who need to have their financial aid cleared). When I first started, idk if it was dumb luck but almost every single student was responsive & I felt like I rarely needed her redirection on students needing to be cleared unless I had a separate question. Now, all of my new students are just not responsive or their file is complex etc and it’s discouraging. She gives her feedback/suggestions/corrections on how to handle them, whatever you want to call it & sometimes, she’s either: giving me incorrect info & when I clarify with another dept/student it’s wrong, I ask for her help on something/another pair of eyes and when I submit the file to compliance it’s sometimes rejected & sometimes she just makes things confusing for me.
I’ll start by saying I know I’m very very new and when I’m wrong well that’s all to it, there’s a lot I don’t know and she clearly has a lot more knowledge than I do. But…why is she unintentionally steering me in the wrong direction at times? I’ve dealt with bosses in the past who made mistakes but the rate she’s been doing them at is more than what I’m used to compared to my experiences with bosses at old jobs. When I was training with the mgr when I first started, I didn’t feel this way & she made everything seem seamless. The supervisor tends to compliment me a lot but…why is it during our 1:1 I’m getting more suggestions on how to handle certain students? Is it because I just have a lot more difficult ones now? Is it a reflection of my work? Is it because I’m new? Or all of the above?
Is this the norm with jobs? Or are my expectations too high when it comes to leadership? Or even myself? I know we’re human but these mistakes are going to affect my metrics and well hers too.
submitted by /u/Dsg1695
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