Common Admission Tests Required to Study in the UK

Many international students dream of beginning an educational journey in the United Kingdom, but before stepping foot on British soil, there are several critical academic milestones to achieve. One of the most important steps in this journey is understanding and preparing for the requisite exams that pave the way to studying in the UK.

These assessments are crucial, from language proficiency tests that ensure you can thrive in an English-speaking academic environment to subject-specific exams that gauge your preparedness for rigorous university courses. This blog aims to demystify the examination process, providing a comprehensive guide to the tests you must ace to secure your place in a UK institution.

Learn more about the exams and admission requirements for popular UK degrees below. To apply or have any questions about UK university entry answered, arrange a free consultation today.

Popular Admissions Tests Required to Study in the UK

English Ability Entrance Exams

– IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

IELTS is a language proficiency test that evaluates your listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills in English. The test is designed to help you study, work, or migrate to a country where English is the native language. IELTS are of two types: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. The minimum qualifying score for a UK student visa is 4.0 – 5.5. For top UK universities, like the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, the minimum qualifying score is between 7.0 and 7.5. 

– TOEFL Test (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

The TOEFL iBT scores are accepted by all UK universities, including the Russel Group of Universities. It has three types of exams: paper-based, computer-based, and internet-based. For each section (for university degree level courses B2 level), an applicant must meet the following qualifying scores: reading-17, listening-17, writing-17, and speaking-20. 

– PTE Academic Test (Pearson Test of English)

PTE is an English language skills test accepted by 99% of UK universities. The minimum score to qualify for the test is between 50 to 63. If you want to pursue higher education, then the PTE Academic Test is highly recommended. The computer-based English language test assesses your academic-level speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. 

– Cambridge English Language Assessments

Cambridge English Language Assessment is one of the few tests with no expiry date. However, some UK universities may consider these scores invalid after two years. The test uses a grading system with a minimum cut-off range of A, B, or C. The different levels of Cambridge English that can be taken to obtain Tier 4 Visas are B2 First (FCE), C1 Advanced (CAE), and C2 Proficiency (CPE).

  • Cambridge test fees: £56 – £66
  • Top accepting universities: The University of Oxford, The University of Warwick, and the London School of Economics and Political Science

– ISE Test (Integrated Skills in English Test)

Trinity College London provides the Integrated Skills in English Test, which can be taken to obtain a student visa if a B2 or higher level is achieved. The exam has two modules: reading and writing and listening and speaking. Depending on the university, One must qualify for ISE I, ISE II, ISE III, and ISE IV. 

– Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test is a standardised English skills test accepted by around 4000 UK institutions. The scores required for admission solely depend on the type of university and course or degree applied for. It comprises three primary sections: introduction and onboarding, adaptive test, and writing and speaking samples. The average Duolingo score to be accepted in UK universities is 105. However, it can vary from industry to industry. 

MBA Entrance Exams

– GRE Test (Graduate Record Examination)

GRE is a standardised test taken by applicants who apply for graduate degrees like MS or MBA in the United Kingdom. The exam is divided into three sections: analytical writing, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning. It measures your algebra, arithmetic, geometry, vocabulary, and writing skills and is required for graduate-level programmes. 

  • Test fees: £149
  • Minimum average score required: 160

– GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test)

GMAT is a standardised test required for admission into management programs in the UK. It is a computer-based test divided into four sections: analytical writing assessment, integrated reasoning quantitative, and verbal reasoning. 

  • Test fees: £174
  • Minimum average score required: 600 to 650

Law Course Entrance Exams

– LNAT Test (Law National Aptitude Test)

LNAT is an admission test several UK universities and schools use to select law students. It evaluates key skills required for the law profession, such as verbal reasoning, interpretation of information, and ability to analyse and solve problems. The examination is two sections long and lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Section “A” comprises 42 computer-based multiple-choice questions. For section “B”, you have 40 minutes to answer one of three essay questions on various subjects. 

  • Test fees: £120
  • Average LNAT score required: 22-27

– CLT Test (Cambridge Law Test)

Cambridge Law Test is a paper-based examination where test takers must read the essay and answer the given questions. The test evaluates students’ aptitude, comprehension, and exposition skills. Cambridge Law Test is conducted at the University of Cambridge, and registration is free. 

Mathematics Course Entrance Exams

– MAT Test (Mathematics Admissions Test)

MAT is a standardised mathematics test conducted by the University of Cambridge, partnered with the University of Oxford. The test aims to evaluate the applicant’s skills in mathematics and is available in two modes: computer-based and paper-based. Candidates pursuing undergraduate mathematics or computer science courses can opt for this admission test. 

  • Eligible courses: Computer Science | Computer Science and Philosophy | Mathematics | Mathematics and Computer Science

– STEP Test (Sixth Term Examination Paper)

STEP is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of undergraduate mathematics courses. The exam consists of two papers: Step Mathematics 2 and Step Mathematics 3. The universities that accept the STEP test are the University of Warwick, the University of Cambridge, and the Imperial College of London. Registration is free.

Medical Course Entrance Exams

– UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test)

The UCAT is a computer-based test for medical and healthcare programmes. UCAT comprises five sub-timed subsets with multiple choice questions, assessing mental abilities essential for healthcare professionals. 

– GAMSAT Test (Graduate Medical School Admissions Test)

GAMSAT is a standardised examination developed by the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER). The exam can be taken by students who want to pursue PhD or doctoral programmes in the UK. The average minimum qualifying score for GAMSAT is around 61-66. 

– HPAT Test (Health Professions Admission Test)

The HPAT is a 2.5-hour online examination developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). HPAT consists of three sections: logical reasoning and problem-solving, interpersonal understanding, and non-verbal reasoning. 

Study in the UK

If you want to study in the UK, our expert team can help answer your questions. Arrange a free consultation today to begin your journey.


What exams are required for international students to study in the UK?

Some popular exams required to study in the UK are IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, GMAT, MAT, LNAT, UCAT, BMAT, and TSA-Oxford. 

Is GRE accepted for an MBA in the UK?

Yes, universities like Lancaster and Oxford accept GRE scores. The test evaluates your analytical, verbal, and aptitude skills. 

Which English language test is required in the UK?

Exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Cambridge English Language Assessments are accepted by UK universities. 

Do UK universities require SAT scores?

Yes, most UK universities accept SAT or AP scores to ensure students’ eligibility for undergraduate programs. 

Is PTE accepted in the UK universities?

Yes, PTE is accepted by 99% of UK universities. The test assesses your academic-level speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills.

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