Describe a Prize You Have Received Recently | IELTS Cue Card | Admissify

Last Updated on September 21, 2024

In the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2, you will encounter cue cards that prompt you to speak about a specific topic for 1-2 minutes. For the topic “Describe a prize you have received recently,” focus on addressing these key points:

  • What the prize was
  • When you received it
  • Why you received it
  • How you felt about it

Gold Medal: Describe a Prize You Have Received Recently

What the prize was: I received a gold medal and a certificate in an inter-college debate competition.

When I received it: I won this prize last month at the annual Youth Festival hosted by Delhi University.

Why I received it: The debate topic was “The Impact of Social Media on Indian Youth”. I presented a well-researched argument, balancing both positive and negative aspects. The judges appreciated my critical thinking and confident delivery.

How I felt about it: Winning felt exhilarating! It boosted my confidence and motivated me to participate in more such events. The recognition from peers and professors was particularly gratifying.

Trophy: Describe a Prize You Have Received Recently

What the prize was: I received the ‘Employee of the Quarter’ award at my IT company in Bangalore, which included a trophy and a bonus.

When I received it: This happened just two months ago during our quarterly town hall meeting.

Why I received it: I led a team that successfully completed a challenging project for a major client ahead of schedule. My managers noted my leadership skills and ability to motivate the team under pressure.

How I felt about it: I was surprised and deeply honored. It felt great to have my hard work recognized, especially as a relatively new employee. The award has motivated me to maintain high standards in my work.

DSLR camera: Describe a Prize You Have Received Recently

What the prize was: I won the first prize in an online photography contest – a new DSLR camera.

When I received it: The results were announced last week, and I received the prize via courier three days ago.

Why I received it: The theme was “Hidden Gems of India”. My photograph of a lesser-known stepwell in Rajasthan caught the judges’ attention for its composition and the story it told about India’s architectural heritage.

How I felt about it: I was ecstatic! As an amateur photographer, this recognition from professionals was a huge boost. It’s inspired me to explore photography more seriously and perhaps consider it as a part-time career.

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Follow-up Questions and Answers: Describe a Prize You Have Received Recently

  1. Do you think children should be given prizes in school? Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, but in moderation. Prizes can motivate children and boost confidence. However, the focus should be on effort and improvement, not just results, to encourage all students to participate and grow.

  1. How do you think the prize-giving culture in India differs from other countries?

Answer: In India, academic achievements are often highly prized, reflecting our competitive education system. However, there’s a growing trend to recognize diverse talents, including sports, arts, and social contributions, bringing more balance to our prize-giving culture.

  1. Do you believe that monetary prizes are more motivating than other types of recognition?

Answer: Not necessarily. While monetary prizes have practical value, recognition through certificates, trophies, or public acknowledgment can be equally, if not more, motivating. 

  1. How important is it for companies to give awards to their employees?

Answer: It’s quite essential. Employee awards boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and can improve overall productivity. They show that the company values its employees’ contributions, which can lead to better retention rates and a more positive work environment.

  1. In your opinion, what are some potential negative effects of giving prizes or awards?

Answer: Excessive focus on prizes can create unhealthy competition and stress. Moreover, it might discourage those who don’t win and could potentially lead to a focus on winning rather than learning or enjoying the process. Thus, it’s crucial to balance recognition with encouraging intrinsic motivation.

  1. How do you think the concept of receiving prizes changes as we grow older?

Answer: As we grow older, the nature of prizes often shifts from tangible rewards to more intangible forms of recognition, like promotions or respect from peers. The focus tends to move from individual achievements to team or organizational success. However, the feeling of being valued and recognized remains unforgettable. 

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