Describe a Time When You Lost an Important and Valuable Item: IELTS Cue Card | Admissify

Last Updated on October 10, 2024

IELTS Speaking tests your English skills. The test has three parts. Part 2 is the cue card section. It’s a key component. You’ll get a topic card. You must speak about it for 2 minutes. This tests your ability to speak at length. It checks how well you can describe experiences. The examiner looks for fluency and coherence. They also assess your vocabulary and grammar. Proper pronunciation is important too.

This blog post focuses on a specific cue card topic. We’ll look at sample answers. We’ll also cover potential follow-up questions. This will help you prepare effectively. Remember, practice is crucial. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll be.

Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item. You should say:

  • What the item was
  • When and where you lost it
  • What you did to try to find it
  • And explain how you felt about losing it

My Laptop: Describe a Time When You Lost an Important and Valuable Item

What the item was

I lost my laptop last month. It happened at a coffee shop. I was working on a project. The laptop was expensive. It also had important files.

When and where did you lose it

I noticed it was missing when I went to pay. I panicked immediately. I searched the entire cafe. I asked other customers. I checked with the staff. I even looked in the restrooms. But I couldn’t find it.

How do you feel about losing it 

I felt devastated. The laptop had my thesis draft. It also had personal photos. I was angry at myself. I felt stupid for being careless. I worried about data theft. It was a stressful experience. I learned to always keep valuables close.

Read another Cue Card: IELTS Cue Card Topics 2024 With Sample Questions & Answers

Lost Wedding Ring: Describe a Time When You Lost an Important and Valuable Item

What the item was

I lost my wedding ring two years ago. It happened at the beach. We were on a family vacation. The ring was gold. It had great sentimental value.

How did you lose it

I realized it was gone after swimming. I was shocked. I searched the sand frantically. My family helped me look. We borrowed a metal detector. We searched for hours. We even hired a local expert. But we have yet to find it.

How did you feel about losing it?

I felt heartbroken. The ring symbolized my marriage. It was irreplaceable. I felt guilty for losing it. I was sad to disappoint my spouse. It taught me that memories matter more than objects. But I still miss the ring.

My Passport: Describe a Time When You Lost an Important and Valuable Item

What the item was 

I lost my passport during a business trip. It was in Bangkok. I was there for a conference. The passport was in my hotel room. Or so I thought.

How did you lose it

I discovered it missing at the airport. I was about to fly home. I panicked completely. I scoured my bags. I called the hotel immediately. They checked my room. I contacted the conference organizers. I even went to the police station. But it was nowhere to be found.

How did you feel after losing it? 

I felt terrified. I was stranded in a foreign country. I worried about identity theft. I felt foolish for not being careful. It was a nightmarish experience. I had to visit the embassy. Getting home was complicated. Now, I always keep my passport locked up.

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Follow-Up Questions: Describe a Time When You Lost an Important and Valuable Item

How can people avoid losing valuable items?

People can be more organized. They should have designated spots for items. Using technology like tracking devices helps. Always double-checking before leaving a place is crucial.

What should someone do if they find a lost item?

They should try to locate the owner. If possible, hand it to local authorities. In some places, there are lost and found offices. Being honest is important.

Do you think people are generally honest about returning lost items? 

Many people are honest. Some may keep valuable items. Cultural values and personal ethics play a role. Proper lost and found systems encourage honesty.

Have you ever found someone else’s lost item? What did you do?

Yes, I once found a wallet. I checked for ID inside. Then I contacted the owner. I arranged to return it safely. It felt good to help.

How has technology changed the way we deal with lost items?

Technology has made tracking items easier. There are apps for lost phones. Social media helps spread information quickly. Online lost and found platforms are common now.

Do you think people are more careless with their belongings nowadays?

Perhaps. People have more possessions now. They might value each item less. However, awareness about security has also increased. It’s a mixed situation.

What’s the most valuable thing you own? How do you keep it safe?

My laptop is very valuable to me. I keep it in a secure bag. I never leave it unattended. I also have it password-protected and insured.

How do you think losing something valuable affects a person emotionally? 

It can be very stressful. People often feel angry at themselves. There’s a sense of loss and regret. It can affect self-confidence. The emotional impact can last a while.

Are there any cultural beliefs in your country about lost items? 

In some parts, people believe lost items bring bad luck. Others think finding lost items is lucky. Some cultures have rituals to find lost things. These beliefs vary widely.

Do you think children should be responsible for their own valuable items?

Yes, to some extent. It teaches them responsibility. However, the level should match their age. Parents should guide them. Gradual independence is key.

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