Drexel’s Classes vs My Home Institute:

Hi guys! I’m back with an update on my journey at Drexel University and wow has it been a rollercoaster already. Classes have kicked off and I can honestly say that it feels like I’ve stepped into a whole new world compared to my university back in Germany. I want to share some of the moments that have stood out to me so far because they’ve really made me reflect on what it means to learn and grow.

Smaller Classes and More Personal Interaction

First off let’s talk about the class sizes. Back home, I was used to cramming into giant lecture halls filled with hundreds of students. It often felt overwhelming and I couldn’t help but feel like just another face in the crowd. At Drexel it’s like a breath of fresh air. My classes are much smaller and the professors genuinely care about getting to know their students. I’ve already had a few conversations with my professors where they remembered my name and asked how I was doing. That personal touch makes such a big difference and it makes me feel valued as a student.

The energy in the classroom is incredible too. Because the classes are smaller we get to engage in discussions where everyone’s voice matters. I love how my classmates share their thoughts and perspectives and it creates a vibrant atmosphere where learning feels more like a group adventure. This kind of interaction motivates me to participate and really absorb what I’m learning.

Weekly Assignments Instead of One Big Exam

Now let’s dive into the coursework because this is where things get interesting. In Germany it’s pretty typical to have just one big exam at the end of the semester and that exam counts for a massive part of your grade. The pressure can be intense because you feel like you have to cram everything into one final push. Here at Drexel it’s a completely different ballgame. Instead of one big exam we have assignments, quizzes, projects, and presentations every week.

At first I was a bit overwhelmed by this shift. I thought how am I going to keep up with all of this? But as I’ve settled in I’ve realized that this weekly structure keeps me engaged and forces me to stay on top of my studies. I can’t just sit back and wait for the last minute to catch up. I have to actively engage with the material week by week and that’s honestly refreshing. It feels less like cramming and more like a consistent flow of learning.

LeBow College of Business at Drexel University

Diving Into ORGB 320 Leadership and Theory

One class that has really captured my interest is ORGB 320 Leadership and Theory. This course has a very hands-on approach and it’s already become one of my favorites. Each week we are given a unique leadership scenario to respond to online and we have to take on different roles like the struggling employee the concerned friend or the boss trying to manage a team. This exercise really pushes me to think about situations from different perspectives which is something I never focused on before.

In class we also do a lot of group work which I love. We break into small teams and each person gets a chance to be the mediator or the presenter for different scenarios. It feels so real and allows us to practice decision-making skills in a supportive environment. Sharing our ideas and discussing solutions helps me not only understand the content better but also develop important skills like teamwork and public speaking. Plus it’s fun to see how different people approach the same problem in various ways.

Embracing a New Learning Experience

It has only been two weeks but I can already feel myself adjusting to this new learning style. The constant stream of assignments group projects and presentations is a big change from the exam-focused system I was used to in Germany. While the workload is definitely heavier I find it rewarding to be engaged in the material every step of the way.

I’m excited to see how this experience shapes me as a student and as a person. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities for growth and I can’t wait to share more about my journey. Thanks for reading and I’ll keep you updated as I dive deeper into this exciting academic adventure at Drexel!

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