Eating My Way Through Beijing

Written by Alyson Mina (Colby College), Student Correspondent for CET Beijing, Janterm 2025

When coming to China I knew one the best parts was going to be the food. I was so excited to try authentic Chinese food after having Panda Express at my mall so many times. After arriving I was so excited to check out 首师大 (shǒu shī dà – Capital Normal University) dining hall.

Dining Hall Layout

At CNU’s dining hall you use your student ID to pay for your food, but everywhere else and for mostly everything else you will have to use WeChat or AliPay. There are 3 floors to in the dining hall:

First floor is mostly breakfast foods all day. You simply tell them what you want, and it’s pretty cheap (I think, I haven’t gone).

Second floor has a buffet type of area, but it also has one of my favorite dishes (pictured left) of noodles and meat in a soup that you can order.

Third floor is a fan favorite this month at CNU, you do have to order on your own but there are some great options (I recommend the dumplings).

Second and third floors both have drink stands, which are quite good and convenient because there is no water offered anywhere unless you bring your own.

A New Flavor Experience

One new flavor I’ve tried here is 麻辣 (málà). It’s a combination of numbing and spicy that I had never heard of before in the US. It doesn’t burn your mouth in the same way classic hot sauce does; it creates a totally different numbing sensation in your mouth. but it’s good and if you have the chance to at least try it you shouldn’t be scared. It might sound strange, but it’s really tasty, and if you get the chance to try it, don’t hesitate. It’s definitely worth experiencing

Food stand in a mall food court. The malls are so much bigger than my hometown (Portland, Maine) and there are so many great options for food, food stands or restaurants.

Banquet Meal and Chinese Table

For the opening ceremony of CET there was a banquet where the classes ate some delicious meals together. One thing I’ve noticed here is when a group of people order, they will order a variety of dishes and share them. Originally, I didn’t know what to expect when they told me we were eating duck, but I think if you have the chance to try a Beijing staple like this, you should definitely take at least one bite. Honestly, it was quite good—kind of like turkey, but with its own unique flavor.

Another fun tradition is that every Friday we have Chinese Table. At this time each class goes independently to eat, practice Chinese, and hang out with classmates. It’s a great way to enjoy delicious food while also getting some language practice in a relaxed setting. Our first week we ordered take out, but our second week we walked to a nearby restaurant. Both times were so fun and the food was amazing, I definitely ate more than I should have both times.

Challenges for Vegetarians or Vegans

I think it would be very hard to eat in China if you are vegetarian or vegan. You will encounter meat at every restaurant and it is usually in every main dish. It’s very rare to come by a vegetarian course, even some of the tofu dishes had meat in it. Eggs are also a huge part of the cuisine here. Much of the meat is served on the bone too, in a way very different from in-bone chicken wings in the US. Unfortunately, if you are a diehard vegetarian, China might not be the best place for you to visit in terms of food.

Cultural Differences Around Food

I think a huge part of the Chinese culture and culture difference between China and The US is the food and customs around food. So when you’re here you should definitely explore and try different styles of authentic Chinese food because different regions of China have different staple cuisine. There are small places where you can get western food, like McDonalds and Dominos if you really miss home but even these places have different items if you still wanted to try something new but missed pizza. A huge part of college life here, just like in the US, is ordering delivery.

Overall, food is greatly appreciated by Chinese culture and when you’re here you should ask your roommate for recommendations of good local restaurants, and different styles of food such as hot pot (which I had for the first time here). Beware all of the food ordering apps will be in Chinese and you will have to use chopsticks at every meal. Have fun, push your pallet, and eat lots of yummy food!

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