Feel like my boss hates me and I’m worried I’m getting fired

I work in social media for a hotel with a small marketing department. I’ve been here 3 months. When I was hired, I worked for the marketing manager who interviewed me. She was great and seemed to like me. But the department got restructured–she either got promoted or her responsibilities were changed–and my current boss got a promotion and began managing a small team, which I’m part of.

I really, really dislike my current boss. And he seems to dislike me. I have no idea why. He’s extremely passive-aggressive (he kinda talks to everyone like that, but seems to really have it out for me.) I’ll often ask a question about some work I’m doing, and he takes that moment to criticize me for something completely unrelated. Besides that, I get virtually zero feedback. My responsibilities are vague, my expectations are unclear, I haven’t really ever been trained, and most everything I do gets sent without ever being looked at (unless I ask). I make strategy decks weekly which I’ve never gotten feedback on besides the first one. The only negative feedback I’ve ever gotten revolved around content ideas I have not being executed in a timely manger, which I’ve taken steps to correct. He definitely seems overworked, doing maybe 2-3 people’s jobs at once, and also has no experience managing a team as far as I know.

Earlier this month, the department head mentioned they were bringing on an agency that I would be working with. They would handle some of the paid content, creating budgets, and coordinating with influencers, This is sort of logical, given that I do all of strategy and execution all by myself, but didn’t make me feel good about my status at the company. Upper management was overall vague about what the agency would actually be doing, and they told me “you’ll figure it out with them in the coming weeks.” I was laid off from 2 jobs in a row in December and March, and PIP’d/nearly fired from the one before that, so I have extreme anxiety with regard to job security.

I work weekends sometimes to do some photography and live IG story posting for events we have on our property. I saw one of my coworkers today, and he said my boss told him to handle the photography and IG stories (everyone in our dept has the social media logins). He was surprised to see me since he was under the full expectation he’d be handling this. My boss didn’t tell me at all ahead of time. He’s doing something else, so it’s not like it’s wasted for either of us, but still.

I’m really confused why my job responsibilities are being carved up and given to others. I feel a lot of insecurity being the youngest in my department (I’m 27 and everyone else is 30+), and I hate being the “lazy gen z worker” of the group, especially since I’m not lazy. I have no idea if I’m being paranoid or not, but I’ve been feeling dread coming into work, and this has intensified it. I’m already looking for another job (pay is bad anyway).

submitted by /u/Basedswagredpilled
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