Follow your dreams: Jessica’s Journey to Studying and Living in Korea 

“I just felt like, am I content with my life? Like, if this were my last day, would I be happy or do I want something more?” – Jessica

Jessica, a 34-year-old student from Sweden, shared her inspiring journey of studying Korean while living in South Korea. Her story reflects the determination to make a life-changing move. Motivated by her personal life and love for Korean culture, Jessica shifted on a unique path. She is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Korean studies through Stockholm University’s online program. Read her story about how she ended up there, the challenges she’s faced, and how she’s embracing life in Korea. 

Hankuk University

New Beginning 

Jessica’s journey to South Korea didn’t happen overnight. After going through, well, life and losing a family member, she found solace and inspiration in Korean dramas (K-dramas). With a growing love for Korean culture and a desire to start fresh, she decided to learn the language and eventually relocate to Korea. Before making this big leap, she traveled to Korea twice, immersing herself in the country’s rich culture and lifestyle. 

“I started watching my first k drama ever, and I realized I liked it. So that that’s what’s the, like, entry point to Korean.” – Jessica

Although this wasn’t Jessica’s first academic pursuit. She had previously studied space engineering and health promotion in Sweden. But her passion for Korean culture convinced her to take a different path. Now, with a full commitment to study Korean, a decision that her family and friends, while supportive, also met with concern. Yet, their encouragement remains a key motivator as she prepares for her future in South Korea. 

“My mom knows I can handle it because I’ve been living by myself for so long time. But of course she’s a little bit sad.” – Jessica

Life as a Student in Korea 

Jessica’s studies take place at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Meanwhile she is also doing online courses for her Korean studies in Sweden. It is a very busy schedule one would say. She chose to live off-campus, opting for a shared house through Airbnb instead of the more restrictive student dormitories. Her residence is a mere 20 minutes from her school, giving her the freedom to enjoy a more flexible lifestyle while staying close to her academic commitments. 

Jessica’s daily schedule is packed with classes, studying, and socializing with fellow students. But she doesn’t forget to make time for activities like hiking, travelling, and engaging with the local community through clubs. One of the most impactful choices she made, was joining a swimming club. There she has made Korean friends, helping her feel more connected to her new environment. 

“The most important part for me is making Korean friends because all the other people I know or get to know from school, like the exchange students, they will move back home.” – Jessica

Jessica’s favorite study spot

Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers 

While her love for Korean culture fuels her determination, Jessica admits that studying in a foreign language comes with its own set of challenges. The classes are taught entirely in Korean, and while understanding basic conversations, fully comprehending is often difficult for her. With two Korean language teachers offering different teaching styles, Jessica has learned to navigate the difficulties of language learning, though the process remains challenging. 

“I had one of the days in school where I didn’t understand anything at all. Like, the teacher told us, okay, we are supposed to do this. And I didn’t understand a word.” – Jessica

Her efforts go beyond the classroom. Jessica actively participates in cultural exchanges, such as communicating with her Korean friends and even talking Korean with her Japanese classmate. These experiences not only help her improve her language skills but also create meaningful connections with those around her. 

“Sometimes we use Papago and she (Japanese classmate) translates from Japanese to Korean and then Korean to English, but usually we talk in Korean.” – Jessica

Despite the challenges, Jessica sees her age as a source of strength. Being older gives her more confidence and independence to navigate Korea’s unique environment, and she advises others considering a move to Korea to travel there first to ensure it’s the right fit.

Jessica wearing a traditional hanbok dress

Looking Forward: Documenting Her Journey 

Jessica’s experiences in Korea have been nothing short of transformative. As she continues her studies and adapts to life in Korea, her story serves as a reminder of the power of resilience and curiosity. Whether it’s hiking through the beautiful landscapes of Bukhansan, diving into Korean language classes, or building friendships through cultural exchanges, Jessica is creating her own path in a country she’s grown to love. 

Her journey isn’t just about academics or moving to a new country; it’s about embracing change, stepping outside comfort zones, and finding personal growth through cultural immersion. We’re excited to see how she will inspire others to take similar leaps, and we look forward to following Jessica’s story as it unfolds. 

Jessica hiking in Bukhansan mountain

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