Four Strategies to Build Team Morale

Unenthusiastic, cynical, or downright negative employee attitudes toward the workplace can be a sign of low team morale. Even if work is getting done, low morale is a cause for concern. It indicates a lack of engagement, meaning that employees are less personally invested in the outcome of their performances and less likely to go above and beyond. Improve your team’s morale with these strategies:

Communicate Purpose

Low morale often occurs because employees feel like their work is thankless and think, “What’s the point?” It’s natural for people to want to feel like they are doing something important and are part of something bigger than themselves. Shift your employees’ mindsets of thinking their responsibilities have no meaning. Inform them of how their roles play a part in the company’s success, and sincerely thank them for their contributions.

Recognize Accomplishments

It can be disheartening for employees to put in a significant amount of time and effort and not have it be acknowledged by leadership. When employees go above and beyond, it’s essential that you recognize it and express your gratitude. It’s a form of positive reinforcement and makes employees more self-motivated, rather than being motivated to perform via external factors (like getting a paycheck or avoiding being reprimanded).

Have Some Fun

All work and no play can make for low team morale in the workplace. Boost their spirits by planning enjoyable events, such as team lunches or trips to partake in fun activities. When your team has fun together, it helps them build personal relationships and makes them better able to collaborate in the workplace. It also fosters trust in management because you’re showing that you care, and taking breaks in general helps prevent burnout.

Set a Positive Example

Leadership generally sets the tone of the workplace; therefore, to build team morale, demonstrate the type of attitude you would like your employees to exhibit themselves. Make it a priority to be positive. Examples include: Handling stressful situations in a proactive, solution-based manner rather than emotionally; greeting your team members warmly, asking how they are doing, and enjoying small personal conversations; celebrating their personal milestones; and encouraging employees to take advantage of breaks and vacation time.

Team morale often suffers because of understaffing and a too heavy workload. Working with a staffing firm like Professional Alternatives can ensure you maintain adequate staffing levels so you don’t have to handle the time-consuming recruiting and hiring process. Since 1998, we have been serving Houston employers and providing candidates that are the best fit for their unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about our employer services.

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