I really dislike my job some nights. I work in a hotel at the front desk, and I swear, it’s the most frustrating position in the entire hotel. I used to be a manager at another location, and took a break because I was overworked and burnt out, so when I returned to this field, I didn’t want a position of authority for a while at least. But working the front desk, especially second shift, is so upsetting some nights. If housekeeping doesn’t do their jobs, I’m getting the third degree as if I was the housekeeper who forgot to do stay over service, or missed a dirty towel in a room. If there’s a booking issue that isn’t realized until check-in, I’m the person having to find a solution and handle the irate guest. The manager only works for a few hours during my shift and only on weekdays, so weekends I am left to fend for myself and have to ask them to call him Monday morning the next time he’s in. Sometimes, guest complaints are things completely out of my control, and yet, I am always the person who deals with the backlash. For example, a few minutes ago, a guest I checked in hours ago was standing behind a guest I was checking in, and she rudely interrupted our conversation about a pack & play they were asking for to say that they had requested one as well and didn’t receive one. I said to the person I was checking in that, since they are available by request only, if we had any left by the time they put theirs in, it would be in their room already, but I apologize if there isn’t one there, as we CLEARLY have many families in this weekend who were travelling with smaller children. She rolled her eyes, and he said it was no big deal and asked if there was a Target nearby for him to pick one up. I directed him right across the parking lot, and finished his check-in. The rude guest behind him stepped up to the desk and then proceeded to complain about the person parked in the charging station parking space, and said they had been there for the last 4 hours. I apologized, again, and let them know that we don’t collect any license plate information at this location so I was unable to contact the guest, but directed her to a gas station one parking lot over from ours. She stood there and stared at me for 30 seconds before shaking her head and saying ” So there’s nothing you can do?” and walking away, loudly stating under her breath that “of course I was no help, yet again.”
There are so many situations that mirror that one where I just am tired of being the guests emotional punching bag. I truly wish that I could just say what was on my mind, but I really would get myself fired so quick. I’m sorry I just needed to vent, tbh.
submitted by /u/cjxcx07
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