How do you feel if you were offered a promotion but store management was not happy with you?

I’ve been with my company which has multiple locations in my region for over four years. And I was asked to help out at another store a few weeks ago. And management at that location loved me so much they offered me a promotion. Originally it started out as a joke but I later found out management was serious and it got pushed through HR and I applied and got the position. All proper steps on my end were followed. My current store management is now extremely mad at me and the other store for what they see as me being poached and screwing them over. I was told by my current store manager, “I can’t approve this transfer etc. and this is the first time I’m hearing about it plus I don’t have a replacement!” Along with comments like, “Well if you don’t show up because the schedule is already set for the next three weeks you’ll be a no call no show and get written up!” Which is not true and I call BS especially since I spoke to them a few weeks ago and told them this was coming. Look…I get where they are coming from since they don’t have a replacement for me. But the transfer was already approved and goes into effect tomorrow. HR told me numerous times it’s not up to them and my company which I love working for…wants to see people grow and promotes from within and moves people around a lot. And I do get where my current store management is coming from and I made them a promise I would be there until next Friday to see someone’s vacation through…but they feel like I screwed them completely over (not just me but mainly the other store management) and I’ll be leaving that store on bad terms. But I was told by HR today the transfer already went through and me staying an extra week is actually me helping them out. I wish they’d be happy for me but they aren’t because they love me so much but they have no promotion to offer me and they never have and probably won’t ever since there’s no open positions and they don’t have the budget and never have. So I’m saying screw it I’m doing what’s best for me and going somewhere I’m more appreciated and offered what I have worked for. It’s not my fault they can’t fill the position I’m leaving and a position they’ve been trying to fill for over two years especially when they have dozens and dozens more employees than most other locations have. Should I feel guilty? How would you feel? I know you never owe your employer anything but nonetheless I still feel guilty about it and in some ways I’m mad at their attitude about it because it’s never an attitude I’ve seen from them…and promotions are always celebrated with cake and pizza. But I also have given them longer than the standard two weeks notice if one was to leave a job entirely. Again proper steps were gone through on my end and HR pushed it through…which means HR is going to have a conversation with them about all of this.

submitted by /u/Icy-Doughnut-5691
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