How to deal with problematic colleague in office?

Hello everyone

I’m in my current work for almost 10 months. It’s fine, I like my work, most of colleagues and etc.

Just lately there was this issue with one colleague who was from start my friend or it seemed like she is, but then we got into argument about one spreadsheet which will help to process control and it was idea of our manager, I just agreed with him and she was excessively defensive and then started attacking on me, that she won’t do anything with it, that it’s useless, stupid and just my stupid invention that tried many people before me. For her it would be at best informative and nothing more. Even my supervisor tried to explain to her it as he came when we had the discussion, but she still refused so. I even heard that she said so to his supervisor with words that she won’t do anything with that spreadsheet and won’t work with it because she doesn’t want to.

So slowly we stopped talking, I had her on messenger and before we were speaking daily, I told her a bit about me and my bad past work experience and she told me about herself her husband, kids, abusive father, how she dislike her colleague, supervisor and etc.

Month after this incident, she even blocked me on messenger, was weird but so I took it that she doesn’t want to speak anymore or have any contact. So I did same.

But now there isn’t week when there wouldn’t be some problem with her. She is not happy with anything. Before she was upset she didn’t receive information regarding work, today she was very upset that she received from my colleague and me 2 emails and said that she doesn’t want them, it’s no use to her, it’s just more work to her to look into it etc. and went into big argument.

I’m upset because we were working hard to prepare it for her and her colleague as there was needed some change and me and my supervisor did it because it’s faster then to ask other people and we spent days and even nights to make it in time. Instead of just say thank you or act in normal way, she is upset about such things.

Today I said so that I’m already pissed off by her behaviour and attitude towards me. I didn’t said or act in any way to disrespect her or do anything to cause her harm or distress.

How to deal with such colleague? Otherwise I’m happy with work, my supervisor is great and my other colleagues are fine.

Thank you very much. TLDR: was friend with my colleague, now she is making my life in office miserable by her having problems on weekly basics, I’m not sure how to deal with it.

submitted by /u/DarkMikkael30
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