Samia Jannatul, Graduating Winter Term ’25, is a Political Science major studying at the American University of Rome this Fall 2024
Traveling abroad can be an amazing experience, offering a temporary escape from daily life and a chance to immerse yourself in new cultures. However, bad days can happen anywhere, and they often come with added challenges when you’re far from home. I faced two incredibly stressful situations during my time abroad—my necklace was stolen, and I received news that I might need surgery. To make matters worse, both of these events occurred on the same day. Here’s how I managed to navigate these challenges and what I learned along the way.
1. Mitigate the Issue
When faced with a medical issue that was causing me significant pain, I knew I had to take immediate action. My school provided access to a doctor for all students, so I visited him to address the problem. He prescribed medications to help manage the pain temporarily. However, knowing that these medications were only a short-term solution, I sought a second opinion. The second doctor informed me that surgery might be necessary, which was understandably overwhelming to hear.
The takeaway? Address medical concerns promptly and don’t hesitate to seek multiple opinions to better understand your situation.
2. Seek Comfort from Loved Ones
Hearing the words “surgery” and “operation” can be frightening, especially when you’re far from home and have future travel plans on the horizon. In moments like these, leaning on family and friends for support is essential. I was fortunate that my older sister was visiting when I received the news. Her presence helped me shift out of my stressful mindset.
Additionally, my roommates reassured me that they would be there for me every step of the way, offering to accompany me to the hospital, assist with errands, and take care of me during recovery. Sometimes, it truly takes a village to navigate tough times. The support of loved ones—whether near or far—can provide the reassurance and strength you need.
3. Stay Alert and Rational
Later that same day, while visiting the Colosseum with my sister, a thief stole my necklace. At first, I was in shock and couldn’t fully process what had happened. In stressful situations like this, it’s easy to act impulsively or make irrational decisions. For example, I briefly considered chasing the thief into a dark alleyway, but I chose not to—thankfully avoiding an even riskier situation.
This experience taught me the importance of staying calm and thinking rationally, even when emotions run high. Sometimes, pausing to assess the situation can prevent further harm.
4. Practice Positive Thinking
After such a stressful day, I felt overwhelmed and even considered cutting my trip short. However, I challenged myself to reframe my thoughts. Instead of dwelling on the negative, I reminded myself that things could have been worse and looked for silver linings.That same weekend I went to Tunis, Tunisia with my sister, and enjoyed my time away from Rome for peace of mind. Adopting a positive mindset helped me regain control of my outlook and appreciate the remainder of my time abroad.
Final Thoughts
That eventful day in mid-October taught me valuable lessons about resilience and perspective. While stress and bad days are inevitable, they’re often just mental hurdles. With the right support system and mindset, you can overcome challenges and continue to enjoy the experiences you’ve worked hard to achieve.
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