I got fired and company lost business shortly after..

To make a long story short, I got fired. It was a retail company. I was loyal to the company for 3 years I started working there when the company first opened and the last of the original workers.

Anywho, I got fired because I decided to close the store 15~ min early. I was working alone, training a new worker, they also decided to make me work at a station outside my job description that I had no prior training on. I was lost, didn’t know what to do. While I was closing, the phone had been ringing for the past few minutes but it went unnoticed. When I finally did realize, it was my boss on the other end screaming at me. I admit, I was in the wrong but I was pretty much fed up having an enormous workload, yet being extremely underpaid. At this point, I was only staying for my coworkers because I genuinely loved them, they were like family to me. I came into work the next morning, only for my other manager to tell me my boss had me removed from next week’s schedule, yet they still expected me to finished working this week’s schedule, but in the meantime I’ll be fired. They were too lazy and didn’t want to find coverage. LOL. So what do I do? I walk out the job. That was their problem now.

Today, about 3 months after the situation, I receive a text from a friend of mine, my old coworker. Apparently they’re shutting down because of bad business… it feels LIBERATING. My coworker who still works there talked about how the new workers are so bad. My boss even called me a few times, I don’t know what for. I didn’t pick up because I didn’t want anything to do with them anymore. I’m assuming they wanted to ask me if I was able to come back. I mean…They did ask me on one occasion. I had actually quit my job prior to getting fired but they asked me to come back, and I went because of financial strain and the shitty job market. I went back, only for them to fire me. Funny right? Not to suck my own dick or anything, but I really was one of their best workers. In the beginning, I was so angry at them, and felt like a failure for being fired. I gave my blood, sweat, and tears to this company. 3 years lost over 15 minutes. The fact they lose business after firing me just makes me feel like the universe is on my side. I currently have a WAY better job, with better benefits (my old job had none), better pay, and a reasonable workload. THANK GOD!

Anyways, I just wanted to share this story to reddit because I thought it was funny and ironic. If you’re fired, DON’T FEEL BAD. Rejection is redirection. <3

submitted by /u/According_Kangaroo_1
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