I got forgotten at a Government job interview.

This is a rant as well as asking for advise; I went to my first government job interview today and sat for 30 minutes past my interview time. I arrived to the job and let them know my name was ‘Brittney Smith’ and that I was 10 minutes early to my 2:30 interview. The woman pulled a list out went down a few names and arrived at mine and told me to have a seat, she’d let them know I was here. I watched a whole wedding party arrive, go in, get married, and leave; I listened to 4 different people apply for marriage licenses; three people filed for divorce with a smile on their face. Still nothing. After 30 minutes I went back up and let them know I was ‘Brittney Smith’ and had been waiting for my interview, I asked how much longer would it be? I received blank stares until one of them scrambled and rushed to the back, then I watched women I would be interviewing with rush out of their offices, scrambling to talk to one another.

After another 5 minutes, one of the interviewers comes up, looks at me and asks “Rosalind?” I stare at her. She stares at me. Then she repeats the name staring me straight in the eye “Rosalind?” and I say no, I’m ‘Brittney Smith’? She disappears to the back again. Another 5 minutes pass before she comes back and asks me if I just got here? I tell her no, I’ve been here since 2:30, I told someone when I arrived. She asks me who exactly I talked to? I let her know that I didn’t know but she had a list. To which she replies “we have a list?”. At that moment, the real Rosalind shows up and lets them know she’s here for her interview and is told to sit and wait. I look at her with sympathy because it’s going to be awhile. When I finally get to go back after 45 minutes of waiting, I joked that Rosalind was here we could both interview. The interviewer just laughed and told me we had plenty of time. I thought about poor Rosalind, sitting in the waiting area. She was still sitting, waiting, when I left 40 minutes later.

Put me off the whole job, along with having to wait three weeks to hear if I got the job or not and being told “You didn’t NOT get the job, but you should look at other government jobs too!” There’s no way that’s happening lady. I know government jobs run slow and that’s the stereotype; but the lack of care these women had in wasting mine and Rosalind’s time, along with how unorganized they all were, was astounding. My interview at Hobby Lobby felt more professional.

And if you made it this far, thank you, I appreciate it. My questions are: how long would you have waited? Would you have walked out or done the interview? Is this normal for government jobs? I should move on, right?

submitted by /u/Bellybutton_Butthole
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