I want to work, but can’t get hired 28, Disabled

28 YO disabled male here I have cerebral palsy and have been on SSI since I was little

I don’t have an GED or High School Diploma because all my school did was “push me through”

So we moved to a better school in a rich suburb by Detroit (don’t want to out the city)

(I could do every subject but math and they just ignored it and gave me basic math to do) then my final year of high school after holding me back an additional year (had to repeat 11th and 12 grade because my country school credits that made me a senior made me only a junior in the city????)

They told me they would give me a completion certificate my final year of high school I was going to be 19 almost 20 they than told me they wanted me to repeat 12th grade again (3rd time) because I wasn’t going to graduate without the math credit (they knew I was pushed through and I couldn’t do math but they didn’t listen and pushed me through I even had an IEP!!!!) and they wanted a teacher to tell me all the answers for a year and cheat after the completion certificate option just disappeared I guess

I told them ok I would repeat (being almost 20) and I told my mom, she called the school and they said they were never going to graduate me and they wanted to keep me until I aged out of the system so they could get the special education funding (this schools in Michigan in a very rich suburb and they have like a 1,000.000.000 school budget)

By the way aging out of the system age is 29! So I dropped out!

I’m on SSI and I want to try working but because of this I have no diploma and I cannot pass the GED (my cerebral part of my brain can’t even if you teach me I’ll forget I don’t understand it) so there’s no way for me to get a GED

I do have a concealed pistol license and wanted to try armed security but you need a GED or diploma (also security is easy on my muscles my friend does it at a manufacturing plant)

Or maybe be a sales representative at Verizon or a cellular company (I’m really good at sales and convinced everyone in my family to switch to iPhone I’m also a phone nerd and love stuff like that) but I need a GED or diploma

I did a CNA course in High School, but the Social Security Agency wouldn’t let me get my CPR Certification they found out I was doing a trade school

Wanted to do an EMT Course and everything was easy A+ just like the CNA course, but I was too weak to lift the bed into the rig but SSI also told me I couldn’t do that either

(Wanted to do medicine my entire life since I was little so this was a sucky wake up reality check for me)

I’m trying to play to my strengths and I want a real job

I know that on 28 now and it’s been eight or nine years but I feel like what the school did to me is illegal and I was cheated out of a proper education. Do I have any legal recourse?

I can’t pass the GED because my high-functioning cerebral palsy is from a brain bleed I literally have brain damage I can’t do it

I feel like a bum not working but I don’t want a “Walmart greeter” BS job I want real employment and people constantly tell me I’m a drain on society and lazy

Should I stop looking for a job?

submitted by /u/Wide_Quit4338
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