If you are thinking about studying abroad with SPC, do not hesitate. It will change your life! – Center for International Programs

My study abroad experience was one to remember. Many memories and lifelong connections were created. Living in España with a host family gave me the ultimate cultural exposure necessary to understand and process the difference from the culture in Los Estados Unidos. My host family were very friendly, kindhearted, loving, considerate, and understanding people. They knew my goal was to learn Español more and I am very appreciative that they were a part of my journey to fluency. They made my stay in their home so comfortable and treated me as if I was born into their family. I can honestly say that I was blessed with the family selected for me as we were a perfect match. I was welcome to eat meals, watch television, listen to music, and dance with them. Mi mamá en España era muy divertida y ella cocinaba muy bien. Cada plato estaba muy delicioso! I really enjoyed everything she cooked. The meals were prepared with fresh ingredients and the biggest difference I noticed with the foods at my homestay and in different restaurants in España compared to the food in Los Estados Unidos was that the foods in España are not as processed. The foods are fresher and taste better to me.

      I took Español 3 in Salamanca, España for SPC’s Spanish Study Abroad Immersion Program. Immersion is real and necessary to help you learn and become more familiar with the language. This program was introduced to me by my Español 2 professor, and I was a little hesitant because I did not want to leave my wife and daughter behind. Also, because I have never been outside of Los Estados Unidos. My wife was my number one supporter as she knows how important it is to me that I become fluent for my career goals. With that, I took her advice and applied for the program, and I was accepted. The plane ride was not bad at all and before I knew it, I was in Madrid, España. The school I attended in España, Estudio Sampere, had arranged for a bus to pick us up in Madrid and drive us over to Salamanca where we lived. I have never felt safer in any city. The directors of Estudio Sampere made the transition to my host family so welcoming because mi mama de España was there to pick me up where the bus dropped me off and take me home. School was intense as you must complete a semester’s work in three weeks but the professors at Estudio Sampere made learning interesting and fun. My professors were Andrea and Sergio, and I will never forget them as they have impacted my life positively by assisting me with learning Español in España. It gets no better than that!

     Salamanca is a city where you can literally walk everywhere, and each day was more exciting than the last. I went on adventures throughout the city with my colleagues from SPC, as well as on my own. Salamanca is really The Golden City, and the people are so kind and helpful. The cathedrals, the university, the library, and museums were all breathtakingly beautiful. The weekend excursions were extremely exciting as I got to visit multiple cities in España. We visited Segovia, Avila, San Sebastián, and we even got to visit Biarritz, France. Visiting a real-life castle in Segovia that inspired Walt Disney was cool but walking along the shore of La Grande Plage beach in France was one of the best things I did on my study abroad trip. The people in France were kind as well.

     Overall, I had ONE OF THE BEST EXPERIENCES OF MY LIFE by studying abroad in España and I am forever grateful that I was one of the students selected to go. If you are thinking about studying abroad with SPC, do not hesitate. It will change your life. Please do this for yourself, you will not regret it. Thanks again SPC! – Timora, SPC Spain Study Abroad Program, June 2024

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