I'm done this job Market getting a job in 2024 is like trying win the Lottery

I’m done with this Job Market I’ve applied 3,000+ jobs for the past three years since 2021 and I still can’t find a full-time job related to my degree or even a full-time job at all. I have a two-year degree and a four-year degree and have 4 years of work experience while working in college as an Administrative Assistant. Every week I’m going to Indeed/LinkedIn and going to company websites to apply to jobs and some of these jobs take about 30 mins to apply to not hear back from them. I hate the fact that some of these job postings are outdated, and they already hired somebody but decided not to take the job out and it’s been months since they found somebody like can you please take it down so people don’t waste their time applying for a job that they can’t get. I’ve noticed this happen a lot with government jobs. Last Dec in 2023 I was starting to apply to jobs in the company website rather than using Indeed and I found a lot more jobs than I usually do and guess what 80% of those jobs were already filled and just left the job posting there despite the fact that they’re not hiring like what a waste of time and energy that I will not get back I try to reach out to employers to get my name out there and they never respond back.

This job Market is horrible I don’t know what is going on this wasn’t a problem before the pandemic had hit back in 2019 and before it was much easy to get a job and to even get an interview for a position now it feels like it’s impossible to even get an interview and if do get one it will be months way after you applied for the position.

I got a position at a Community College back in Dec and it’s only a part-time position the first month was fine I was working about 24 hours a week and was promised that I would work 29 hours almost 30 hours a week when the semester started and that turned out to me a lie. The first month of classes starting I only got 6 hours a week and was expected to go to work for only 2-3 hours a day for four days a week while my commute was about 35 mins. If that wasn’t that bad enough the manager expects you to do job duties outside of my title. And didn’t teach me certain software’s that I needed to know and got in trouble for it.

Before I graduated College, I started working at a Retail place was working there Till July of 2023 when I quit. That was terrible mistake that I did since I couldn’t get a job anywhere couldn’t stand the job it got really toxic and it seemed like I was the only person doing everything while other people were sitting around and doing nothing and talking behind my back, The only good about the job back when I was working was that you were able to work 35-40 hours a week despite it being part-time that isn’t the case no more since the manager got fired and the assistant manager left the job and new leadership is making people only work 15-20 hours a week. Friend of mine who works there now says there is even times when you will only work 10 hours a week when it’s really slow.


I can’t stand this job market and these toxic environments the retail gigs. Two of the supervisors that were working were having sex in the backroom and crazy part about it was that one of the supervisors was married and his wife worked at the store then left for another job. These guys would have sex before and after closing and after a while one of the supervisors who is a scumbag made the other one leave and threatened to tell his wife about the affair, he was also responsible for spreading rumors and made other people get fired. The reason why I know this is because of my friend’s gf who worked at the job said that the supervisor told her everything. The messed-up thing about it was that the assistant manager knew what was going on and did nothing about it and turned a blind eye. This store has a Cliche group if you don’t fit in you pretty much will be ignored or made fun of it felt like high school all over again.

The Community College job itself is easy but the manager loves to make people do job duties that is outside of the job itself you are pretty much forced to work multiple jobs at once for one rate of pay. You pretty much have to self-teach yourself about this job there is no job training and you’re on your own the employees that were full-time in my department were very rude one doesn’t even greet you the front desk lady was very nice though. One of them which isn’t my boss during the first month of worked forced me to do a bunch of duties that was related to his position does not mine. I remember making a mistake my first week and after realizing I had made a mistake I apologized to the boss and told him it wouldn’t happen but after that he would ignore me, and the other coworkers did to.

I’m honestly done working these toxic jobs and doing this job applications

I even tried applying to Retail jobs and other jobs again and I’ve applied last year and in 2020 and I keep on getting rejected despite the fact that I do have some Retail Experience I can’t even get a job in that sector and it’s making me lose my mind.

submitted by /u/Born_Interest_67
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