I’m quitting today

I took this job a month ago, and from the get go it was red flag central. They had me come in on my days off during my two weeks to get some training done because the girl training me would be leaving for maternity leave on my second official shift.

The first day I came in, it’d been planned for a week, they had nothing ready. I sat there for 4 hours, while she filled out her maternity leave paperwork, and then was told to go home and come back the next day off and they’d be ready for me.

Came back, same thing, nothing was ready, sat around for about 3 hours before they were like just go, it’ll be ready on your first day.

neithet of these instances were paid.

Came in, worked with her for a day. Then it was just me. No managers or anyone came to check on me for the entire time I’ve been here. I’m coming from the same position but a different industry, so I have questions, but when I seek them out im told “just get them in.” (I’m an appointment setter for a car dealership).

Then, they just changed the process so that my department no longer gets first touch on leads — which basically means im going through “dead” inquiries to try and find fresh appointments to schedule while the sales people get first touch and schedule the appointments. I get paid by appointments I set, so this feels like they just cut off the flow of money.

I’ve also had managers go into customers im actively working and scheduling the appointment so I can’t even though the customer hasn’t given a firm time. Actively cutting off my ability to make that money.

Then? Yesterday they pulled us into the office and told us to say whatever we need to say to get customers in—lie about the price, lie about the car availability, etc. they don’t care if the customer gets pissed they just want warm bodies thru the door—and this does not align with my personal values at all.

So I’ve been looking for a job, and I found one an in a new industry doing something similar but altogether different, and I hesitated about it because I was worried about starting over again and the pay dates mean I’ll go a month with 4 days of pay, but I ended up taking it and they want me to start Monday.

So I plan to quit today. I was gonna text or no call no show, but I want to try and get my commission, which a lot of dealerships will consider forfeit if you do those things. So im planning on quitting at the end of my shift? But I don’t know the best way to do it to maintain goodwill so they’ll actually pay my commission—because, again, if they don’t I’ll go thru November with only 4 days of pay paid out on the 15th.

So any advice on how to do a last minute quit with no notice to maintain goodwill despite would be incredible?

submitted by /u/rizcriz
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