Is it ok to take my two week notice back and quit tomorrow after my manager insulted my mom?

Hello Everyone!

Today I decided to put in my two weeks’ notice at McDonalds. My friend tested positive for COVID the day after we hung out. I wasn’t feeling well today, so I called out under the impression I had COVID (fever, sore throat, exhaustion). I took three COVID tests: one positive and two negative. Regardless of not having COVID, I still did not feel well. I assume the positive was a false positive.

I usually never call out. I have called out maybe two or three times in my whole two years of working there. I ask for time off in advance. Me calling out was a huge problem today, though! I see people call out all the time for non-sickness-related issues, and they aren’t harassed at all.

I called the store, and they told me to text the general manager, so I did. She told me I was required to provide a doctor’s note and that in the future, I need to tell her in advance so she can cover my shift. (Side note: I am a minor.) I have known this manager for a while, and she is one bitter woman. I could literally hear her irritated, passive-aggressive tone through the text. Firstly, how am I suppose to tell you I will be sick in advance? Secondly, my regular doctor is closed due to it being a weekend, and my mom was not about to take me to urgent care. We suspected COVID, so she bought more at-home testing kits, but I luckily did not end up having it. Anyway, it was an unnecessary expense for me to go to urgent care.

This text my manager sent me was giving me extreme anxiety, and my mom told me to wait until she got home to respond, so that’s what I did. I started to cry because I knew my GM wouldn’t believe me and would talk a lot of crap behind my back. The McDonald’s I work at is just such a hostile environment. I decided I didn’t want to work at McDonald’s anymore because I shouldn’t have such strong anxiety about going to work. I told my mom, and she fully supported my decision. While I waited for her, I began applying to jobs. I got three interviews lined up and am still waiting to hear back from other places.

When my mom got home, we responded with this:

“Sorry for the delay, I was resting because I don’t feel well. Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide a doctor’s note. My regular doctor’s office is closed since it is a weekend, and my mom will not be taking me to urgent care because that is an unnecessary expense. When I provided a doctor’s note in the past, it wasn’t even looked at. She already spent $50 buying COVID tests and NyQuil for me. My third test was negative, so I feel comfortable working my shift tomorrow as long as my fever is controlled. Additionally, please consider this text to be my two-week notice. I will not be there next weekend, Oct 5-6, so my last weekend working will be Oct 12-13. I did my best to be a good employee, requesting time off in advance when known and very rarely calling off a shift. Thank you.”

She did not respond but instead called me. My heart was pounding because I was so scared of her yelling at me. That’s the type of person she is. My mom answered for me because I was clearly in distress. The call was abrupt, and the GM told my mom to tell me to call her back.

I had full intention of calling her back, but then my friend (who was at work) told me that she put my mom on speaker and was talking crap about both of us. All my respect was gone. She called my mom and me dumb.

Now, when I put my two weeks’ notice in, it did not include one weekend because they have known I would be gone that weekend for weeks now. But I did say I would work Oct 12-Oct 13. (Side note: I only work weekends.) After she disrespected my mom, any intention of working those days went out the window. I will not deal with her disrespect and bullying.

I am making tomorrow my last day and not showing up on the days I said I would. All managers will be getting blocked after tomorrow.

I guess my question is, what are the possible consequences of not going Oct 12-13? I did have the intention of working those days, but not after I heard she disrespected my mom. I don’t even care what she says about me, but any consideration is gone after you disrespect my mom.

UPDATE(5:30AM): It is the next day and my shift starts at 6am. I am not going to work. I took everyone’s advice and am making the assumption I do have COVID. I blocked all the managers and I am done. You guys are right, they wouldn’t give me any type of notice if they wanted to fire me. I want to thank everyone for reassuring me and helping me get the strength to not get bullied into going when I feel sick. I really tried to convince myself I’d be okay tomorrow. Honestly, I know it is horrendously understaffed on Sundays, which is why I feel somewhat guilty… but I made my choice and I quit?‍♀️ I didn’t really let any of my managers know I retract my two week notice but all of you told me I basically don’t have too!


I put in my two weeks’ notice at McDonald’s after my manager reacted harshly to me calling out sick due to possible COVID(Have only called out 2 or 3 times over 2 years). Despite taking three tests (one positive, two negative), my manager demanded a doctor’s note, which was not feasible due to the weekend. Her response caused me extreme anxiety. After hearing she badmouthed my mom for not wanting to take me to urgent care, I decided to make tomorrow my last day instead of working the remaining shifts (Despite giving a two week notice). What are the possible consequences of not showing up for my final shifts on Oct 12-13?

submitted by /u/Elevator-Sensitive
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