It’s the Climb: Finding My Direction

Nia Lewis (’25) is a Communication major studying at the University of Aberdeen for Fall 2024. 

Anxiously awaiting takeoff, I attempt the impossible task of finding my AirPods case that made its way to the bottom of my over-packed carry-on. I panic while frantically removing everything in my bag with no sign of that stupid white case, only to remember that I put the case in my pocket for safekeeping before boarding the flight. Aggravated and now sweaty, I buckle in, pop an AirPod into each ear, and mentally prepare for a six-hour flight. As the plane begins to move and my stomach starts to tie up in knots, I turn on my designated travel playlist to have my main character moment while dramatically looking out the window. Only one song is powerful enough to encapsulate the vast range of mixed emotions I’m feeling as I watch my hometown fade into the distance, that song is obviously The Climb by Miley Cyrus. A ballad that is the textbook definition of pop perfection, the messages of encouragement and reassurance woven into the lyrics offered me much-needed comfort as I sat and reflected on the journey ahead. 

Deciding to spend my final year of college abroad, I was eager to immerse myself in a new culture, meet new people, and see landmarks I had dreamt about visiting since I was a little girl. As bittersweet as it felt knowing that I wouldn’t spend my last year with the friends I had made at Drexel, I knew I would always regret not taking advantage of such a great opportunity to study abroad in Scotland. Slapped hard by a gust of wind as soon as I stepped out of the Aberdeen International Airport, reality began to hit. I started to question how I would handle such a drastic change. Questions about whether I would be able to make new friends and whether I could balance all of my school responsibilities flooded my mind as my taxi slowly approached the place I would call home for the next eight months. 

After living in Aberdeen for a few weeks now, I am happy and relieved to say that my doubts quickly disappeared once I looked around and realized that everyone surrounding me is going through the same phases of a first-time study abroad experience that I am. Breaking away from my more introverted tendencies and embracing the unknown, I have already made friends from all over the world. Bonding over shared traditions while marveling over the unique customs of our respective countries, the people I’ve met so far have helped me to expand my perspective on a wide variety of cultures. Surrounded by gorgeous architecture and natural landscapes, I have the privilege of visiting famous historical sites at any time. Although I miss what I left behind, I am excited to continue exploring what Scotland has to offer knowing that I will be welcomed back with open arms. 

Just like Miley says, “Ain’t about how fast I get there, ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side, it’s the climb.” As the pressure steadily increases to complete all my graduation requirements and find a job, it is easy to succumb to the stress of an unknown future. However, as I continue with my journey in Scotland, I have made it a priority to live in the moment. Graduation and the beginning of my career will come in due time, but it is important to appreciate the journey along the way before hitting such big milestones. I am excited to share the highlights of my journey through this blog along with any tips that I have learned during my time in Scotland!

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