Left my last job due to being laid off

EDIT: Added ———TLDR:———

My former company lost a government contract due to leadership being incompetent and driving many of my co workers to quit. I was denied a promotion even though I was there for 5 years, and did 100+ hour weeks since 2020-2023c they hired another person that was there for 3 months and was managing interns. As well as leadership losing a person a week due to different contracts they keep losing. It was a very toxic place that was making me physically ill, and dreaded coming in. Around March is when I questioned if my job was at risk. For a week or two I had nothing to do. So I put in my two weeks and applied to jobs like crazy.

I got an offer and was excited to start…or so I thought. Found out that The hospital I was going to work at rescinded the offer letter due to not having the budget for me. So I got screwed.

I had to sell my house and move in with my parents due to not having a job to pay for the mortgage. Even though recently engaged fiancé has her own place, I couldn’t do that to her.

So fast forward to now. Starting a new career in IT and discovered the IT job market is a dumpster fire.

But I still got my certs in: Security+, Microsoft certs(az-900, az-104, az-500, sc-300, sc-200) and now attempting Cysa+

I am decent in JavaScript, html5, CSS and I’m going to learn C++. Learning to code better by coding games.

But today I felt really lost. Being unemployed for months is making me stir crazy. I know I should apply to healthcare positions but I’m just burnt out from the industry overall. I just can’t.


My question is, what should I do to break into the field? I really want to get into the cyber security industry especially GRC roles or system administrator. I do have a friend that is a director for a IT company but only can do so much since I lack experience. I know you need to get into “feeder roles” such as help desk etc.

Networking is a thing and I’m not finding much in Ohio. So I’m willing to relocate to anywhere.

Please no mean comments or sarcasm. In a pretty weak state of mind.

Applied on ClearanceJobs, indeed, zip recruiter, USAjobs, LinkedIn, cleared jobs,

Using tryhackme, freecodecamp and some Udemy courses to learn.

Also doing project tutorials from mad hat, network chuck

submitted by /u/tinkydinkyqt
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