Likely losing my job

I’ve had a relationship with the company I currently work for several years in different contexts. This is my second time around as I voluntarily left several years ago due to lack of hours and money they could provide. I’ve always loved working there and last year, I had an opportunity to try again. Side note: my supervisor currently, was a employee with the same job description as mine back when I was hired the first time.

I was hired on in the same capacity as before but soon came an opportunity to become a Lead in my department with more responsibilities and pay. I jumped on it of course. I was consecutively considering a another job in the same line of work and was debating between the two and was upfront with everyone involved. I had the support and encouragement from my old/new job and upper management who were on board opening up a new position that I would lead. Unbeknownst to me, my supervisor felt I had overstepped by talking with management to pursue this position. He felt upper management was forcing him to work with me in this new capacity.

Long story short, I took on more responsibility and a directionless team that was reluctant to entertain a new manager let alone a new organizational structure. To say it was difficult and chaotic would be an understatement. There were constant complaints and undermining of my efforts to my supervisor who would cater and coddle the complainers and at the same time, not convey the dissatisfaction directly to me or allow me to correct the issue at hand. The constant undermining and lack of agency I had in the department along with constant budgetary cuts made advancing difficult and progress, impossible.

The potential job loss mentioned in the title came about when a colleague blatantly threw me under the bus on a project I had no hand in. After some terse email exchanges it was decided my supervisor, this colleague, and myself would meet to hash it out and seek some resolution. Needless to say, it did not go well. I lost my temperature and called my colleague out on a long history of uncooperative attitudes and stonewalling most everything I suggested over the year. While my behavior is not appropriate in a work place, I guess we both found out my tipping point.

HR is currently going through the process of talking with the parties involved: i.e. supervisor, colleague, and myself.

What should I do? PS this is the first HR incident I’ve had with this company.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/Kleinchrome
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