Lost my job and after almost 8 weeks to the day, I got an offer

First time posting, but I’ve been in the group since losing my job in June. Unfortunately I know I made a mistake which is what cost me my job, although after 9 years with the company it felt somewhat unjustified, but after the initial shock and embarrassment, I chose to look at it as a blessing in disguise. I had been wanting to move into a role with more responsibilities anyway, and the pay/raise system was never going to meet a living wage for me in this day and age; the job was great as a 20 something young adult, but now being married and with kids it was not supporting my life anymore.

I immediately started putting out resumes and within the first week I had an interview. I attended it and thought it went well, they even contacted my references, but sadly I never heard back. The following week I attended an interview for another company, and seemed hopeful as she said she had a couple of options that could work for me, and even sent me to a sister store in the mall to interview with their manager as well. Again I never heard back. I was contacted by a company for a warehouse job and after asking me a few questions about being able to work in certain conditions, etc, they said a manager would be in contact with me that week. Again, ghosted. Another week and I have a third interview with another company, one that I LOVE and shop with regularly, and I thought my group interview went well. They were hiring 5 part-time and one full-time, but after almost a week of waiting, they emailed me to let me know they were going with other candidates.

This is where I started losing hope, I really wanted that job, even if I started as part-time, and that was the first rejection that really hit hard. I widened my search for a job and kept applying to everything I felt qualified for, but not overqualified. It felt like I had hit a lull, and then all of a sudden I had four potential jobs lined up. I interviewed for company A over the phone and then a video call with the recruitment manager, who sent my information to the company who reached out to set up a second video call with them. Between all of these calls, I was offered another group interview for a seasonal position with the company I really wanted to work for, at another store closer to where I live. I was also contacted by two other companies who asked if I was available for an interview. I set up interviews with both of them, and attended the in person interview for company B the day before my video interview with company A. Then the long weekend rolled around and it was a lot of anxiety and waiting. Finally on Tuesday, company B contacted me with an update that they were just trying to get in touch with a couple of my references before moving onto the final steps. I asked my references to get back to the hiring manager, and thankfully they did so quickly. One of my references let me know he had called the hiring manager, and he was told they would be hiring me! This was late afternoon so while I waited anxiously for a phone call, it didn’t come that day. The next day I waited until after lunch to follow up with the hiring manager to make sure she was in touch with my references, and she said she had been and would call me soon. About a half hour later, she called me with an offer for a full-time job!

The same day I also received an email with an offer for the seasonal part-time position I had applied for! While I hoped I could make both jobs work, I wasn’t 100% sure what my availability would look like around my full-time job, so I unfortunately won’t be working the part-time job right now, but the manager said he hopes to see me apply again if my availability opens up. As much as I wanted to work both jobs, it’s probably for the best that I get settled into this full-time position first, as that job is obviously the priority. If I still feel I can manage two jobs, I plan to apply for the part-time job again in the New Year.

I never did hear from company A that I did the THREE interviews for, and emailed them to let them know I had accepted another full-time job and would be withdrawing my application, as well as canceled the interview I had set up for company C. On top of all of this, I got a call from another company asking if I was still interested and available for an interview. I’m very excited for this new opportunity as it’s a smaller company that is expanding (I’ll be working in their second location that just opened this summer) so definitely opportunity to move around and move up in the company. I also got a really good feeling from them during my interview, I even met the owner, and I feel like they will see my potential and support me in growing as a professional. I go in for a two hour orientation Sunday, and then likely start training next week.

This ended up slightly longer than planned, but just wanted to share a bit of back story for those whole are in similar situations and feeling a bit hopeless. I think it all works out the way it does for a reason, and I’m so glad I didn’t end up with some of the companies I interviewed with early on!

TLDR: lost job, went through mulitple interviews and ghosting, finally landed an offer with a great company and had to turn down other jobs/interviews. Don’t give up/dont settle! The right job is out there.

submitted by /u/CooperDoo422
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