“Wherever life takes me, this will forever be the best decision I have made in my life, and a memory I will cherish
forever.” – Mia

Hi there, my name is Mia! I am a 23 years old from Croatia and I’ve been studying in the Netherlands for the past four years. Even though it has a lot to offer, it badly lacks sunshine and good weather. So I decided that I needed a break and go somewhere far and warm. So what did I do? I enrolled to a study abroad semester through Asia Exchange. Long story short, what seemed like a good idea, turned out to be the best idea ever. And short story long? Let me tell you about my experience as a student in Bali.

Picture from Mia’s Instagram @Fiamable

The preparation

Sure the preparation process was long and heavy, flights, accommodation, vaccinations and preparing all the medicine, since: ‘’wow, who knows who can help you if something happens all the way there!!!’’. So much to worry: ‘’what if something goes wrong??’’ And ‘’My parents are way too far to help if something happens’’. But in reality, it is so incredibly chill.

Asia exchange: A helping hand

It all started with applying through Asia Exchange. They really take the documentation burden off of your back, which means a great deal. They help you out with finding accommodation options if needed, but it is fairly easy to find something by yourself. I found mine on Facebook. Flights you have to figure out yourself, but that is equivalent to planning a vacation, which I think just adds to excitement. And then you wait for the day you leave, with butterflies in your stomach and this bundle of expectations that came from all the TikTok videos and Instagram Reels and you just imagine yourself on a beautiful beach with turquoise water all day, every day. But not a lot of people online tell you how Bali is actually something completely different than you’ve ever imagined.

Picture from Mia’s Instagram @Fiamable

Adjusting to the Bali life

The first few weeks were such an adjustment period. Why is it so chaotic? Why am I driving half an hour on a scooter? Is it safe to eat here? Where do I go, and what do I do? But then, after a while, every question gets answered by itself. You kind of start enjoying the chaos, as you become a part of it. Then start loving driving longer distances, because you get to listen to music or talk to your parents while you’re driving, and driving feels cool.

Picture from Mia’s Instagram @Fiamable

You realize that there are so many western restaurants that you can eat safely at if you’re not feeling brave enough to try local food. But that there are also so many local places that are safe to eat at too, most of them even. And the food is absolutely amazing.

Bali belly? Happens. Some can avoid it, many can not. You just toughen it up and soon enough you’re stronger than ever. Get insurance, and you’ll be fine. The healthcare there is pretty good, and the doctors will help you with whatever you need. I was also unlucky enough to get a sunstroke, which wasn’t a very fun experience. So a piece of advice, be careful with the sun. Cover your head, put sunscreen on, drink a lot of water and do not stay in the sun for too long. Basic formula.

The reality of the island

Now, let me talk about the beautiful turquoise beaches you thought you will stay at all day, every day. You probably won’t. You will have to travel to specific parts of the island to get there, but trust me, that’s okay. There is so much to do, and so many places to see. Sunsets on the beach are kind of a tradition in Bali, and they are magical, to any the least.

Picture from Mia’s Instagram @Fiamable

So many cute, cozy cafes to do your school work or just sit down and enjoy. And everything is a drive away, even if it takes an hour, because that is such a normal thing. And trust me, it sounds worse than it is. It kind of grows on you and now that I’m gone, I miss it dearly. But when you travel around Bali, which I highly recommend, you will experience the tropical paradise. Lombok, Gili Islands, Nusa Penida… A boat ride away, and so unforgettable.

The Heart of Bali: Its People

Now let me talk about my favorite thing about my study abroad semester. The sweet, beautiful Indonesian people that made the entire Bali experience unforgettable. It is so difficult to put it in words, but people over there are just warm and kind. They do not have much, but they are so happy. I have never met such friendly people, who take you in like you’re one of their own, and consider you a friend after minimum interaction, and best of all they treat you like one. I have never had an unpleasant experience with anyone from there, and I have left the island with so many good memories of so many beautiful people that I will hardly ever forget.

Picture from Mia’s Instagram @Fiamable

The Academic Experience

Finally, the whole reason why you want to go to Bali in the first place is the school. I enrolled in the Warmadewa International Program, and it really did not disappoint. Other than lectures, we had many excursions that allowed us to immerse ourselves in Balinese and Indonesian culture. We learned a lot, thanks to the lovely teachers who made sure to create a productive space for us to work in. The classes were organized so we had enough time to focus on school, and spend the rest of the week enjoying this beautiful island.

an orange building with a wide car park
Warmadewa University

A Life-Changing Experience

My Bali experience was something completely different from what I expected. It was so much more. I never thought I could be as happy as I was during these 4 months, living the life I only dreamed was ever possible. I cannot stress enough how much I grew in this short period of time, and how much better of a person I came back as. Wherever life takes me, this will forever be the best decision I have made in my life, and a memory I will cherish forever. And who knows, if all goes well, I might make it my permanent residence. Because honestly, after you tried it, you would too.

Picture from Mia’s Instagram @Fiamable

Do you also Want to study abroad?

If you are interested in life-changing study abroad through Asia Exchange, Keystone Education Group companyWe offer exciting destinations in Asia, EuropeLatin America and Australia!

Apply now to start upgrading your education while enjoying the thrilling benefits of studying abroadYou may also book a free counseling session for inquiries.

And did you know that Mia is also our Ambassador? Feel free to ask Mia more about studying in Bali!

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