Need Help Deciding Where To Go With My Career

I’m in a bit of a weird spot currently, so I’m looking for some advice. Not sure if this is the right flair for it, but should be close enough.

I recently, back in the summer, left a high-paying tech job where I was basically high-end IT. I worked with hospitals supporting their electronic health record (EHR) software. If you know the industry in the US, you know the company. Anyway, I quit that job because I was hating the customer service aspect of the job. The constant people managing and leading meetings really drained me, as I’m an introvert with a relatively limited social battery. So, I went back for a master’s degree and after a semester I’ve decided that (at least what I was going for) isn’t for me either. Just not really ready or interested in getting back into the academic world.

So, now I’m in an odd position where I have no idea what I want to do and a weird set of skills that I don’t know where they would be most valuable or even usable. My bachelor’s is in mechanical engineering, but I’m not an EIT (never took the exam). So I’m pretty good with the engineering stuff, but I know I don’t like the materials science stuff that makes up so much of mechanical engineering. Thermo, fluids, energy transfer, those were the kinds of things I did really well at and enjoyed. I am also generally very good at CAD, though I have minimal experience with a bunch of different CAD programs (like 6 different ones at this point). I just pick up programs very quickly and have a good mind for 3D modeling. However, I only have a summer internship to show for actual CAD work experience. The rest has all been side stuff or schooling.

My most relevant job is basically computer science and customer service. I wrote code, PQA’d stuff, and generally got really good with a language no one else uses. I also have computer science background just from hobbies and growing up, as my dad was a cybersecurity expert until he retired and I’ve just generally built up a few hobbies that directly or indirectly involve computer science. But even then, my computer science knowledge is wide (like 5 different languages plus other misc stuff like HTML, networking, yada yada), but very shallow (only barely an amateur in almost all of it other than the one aforementioned language no one uses).

So I have engineering knowledge that is now almost 3 years rusty and a weird unfocused jumble of computer science knowledge. No idea what to do with all of that.

As for what I want to do, I generally want to help people and in some way help combat climate change. I’m fine with a lower paying job so long as its livable, I just don’t want the skills I do have to go to waste. Plus, I really do like problem solving (which is really all engineering is when you get down to it). I’ve found I like work with a physical hands-on aspect to it, but that isn’t required, especially since my hands-on skills are practically nonexistent.

So, my question to the internet; what (if any) job fits my very weird skills and criteria? I’m really open to any suggestions, though I might just turn them down 🙂

TL:DR – I have a weird mix of computer science and engineering skills, a desire to help people and the planet, and absolutely no idea where I can use those weird skills to do that while also making myself happy.

submitted by /u/Tarbarian
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