Need to Terminate an Employee Remotely: 5 Things to Note

With remote work now mainstream in many industries, it is becoming common to hear stories about businesses and companies terminating their employees by email or call. When these happen, it often causes considerable debate given the perceived insensitivity of the employer without knowing or revealing the employer’s reasoning for the termination.

As the employer or manager, it is never easy to terminate an employee, especially if it is done remotely. Fortunately, there are ways to do it right without worrying about any negative impacts and complications.

Down below are quick tips that can help you terminate an employee remotely without any issues: 

Make Sure Your Termination Is Perfect

While it is easy to say that you can fire an employee, terminating their contract is lengthy and requires a lot of paperwork. Before typing in that termination notice, speak to your company’s HR and legal departments to check if the termination is legal and if all the benefits and other issues are addressed.

Schedule The Shutdown Of The Employee’s Online Access

Speak to your IT department to schedule the closure of the employee’s access to your office applications and accounts and remove their profile from the company’s sites. This will ensure that all official ties are cut once the termination is active.

Plan The Remote Termination And The Letter

Before scheduling the actual remote termination, you need to plan out how it is going to go. From the person doing the firing, where it will be done, to the benefits that will be granted, you need to have that sorted out so it can proceed smoothly.

Be Thorough And Professional

During the termination, ensure you conduct it as professionally as possible but still show your empathy. You should also be thorough by explaining the reasons for termination and answering any questions they may have.

Do The Post-Termination Process

Once the termination is done, you still need to complete a few things to finalize the termination. You need to sort out the documentation, such as the severance pay, termination papers, and so on. You also need to post the job for the position the employee just left and notify the staff about the changes. When delivering the message to the rest of the team, reassure them that you will do your best to make the transition as smooth as possible and not compromise their work or data. Your social media team should also make the proper announcement to explain the remote termination should anyone question it.

It is always challenging to let go of an employee, especially if your business needs all the help it can get to succeed. However, when it does happen, and you have no time to do a formal termination, you can still make it easier to handle. This will hurt, but you are doing it for the company. You will be able to recuperate from this setback.

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