Hi all! Was laid off from corporate America in July of 2023. In February, I got a new job at a small non-profit, at a 61% pay cut, reporting (as our other staff do) to the head of the organization. I’ve only been there for 10 months, and I’m already sick of my boss’ shitty attitude.
She stomps into the office, and everyone in the team has to “duck and cover” to avoid her bad mood. She’ll give me written permission to do something but then forget about it after, when I successfully complete that task, she’ll accuse me of going against her brief – until I produce her old email. She has no working knowledge of the tools that I utilize for my day to day job, but micromanages the hell out of me. She impulsively comes up with huge projects that the entire team is supposed to drop everything for at a few day’s notice, and then get angry when she has to follow through on the idea and complain about the workload that she sets for herself. She gossiped about my compensation – specifically, how “cheap” my salary is – to an interim team member and someone external to the organization. She has brushed off all of my requests for a quarterly review. She rolls her eyes at me and other team members during meetings. I worked 60 hour weeks during my first three months of employment – with no benefits – and convinced a friend to donate a few thousand dollars to the organization, only to be told that my work “doesn’t matter.” Her perception of my work seems to change based on her mood, and I feel that I could work 70-80 hours a week and still not meet her expectations.
At first I thought it was me, until my other teammates (who predate her presence in the org) began confiding in me. They say that it used to be a family atmosphere, but that hasn’t been the case since she started. She has also reached 3 or 4 “crisis points” during her year at the company – she has only been there for a year – because she can’t manage her work. Team members that used to love coming into the office avoid doing so. My predecessor left three months after my new boss started, and I unearthed some pretty contentious emails between my boss and her.
The issue is that I’m a pretty chronic job hopper. I moved quickly 1 year to 8 months to 8 months at my previous roles in order to increase my income (no breaks in between) before being laid off, and know that this will cast doubts over my resume. I’ve been interviewing and applying for jobs, but still haven’t gotten anything yet.
submitted by /u/bouguereaus
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