Rumors about threats to me and my unborn child at work

So recently at my job there was a blow up between myself and a coworker I’ve had previous issues with before….on tuesday last week she was an “acting manager”( temporary, for only 4 hours) And wouldn’t allow me to turn in my doctors note, would allow me to explain what it was for and wouldn’t allow me to explain that it was important since I was pregnant. She told me to shut my mouth and get my ass to work. I ended up having to get the Gm and store manager and hr involved in this issue, allong side writing a statement with it.

Well. Store manager was on my side while the gm took a neutral ground and Hr did literally nothing to help the situation.

Fast forward to today. One of my coworkers was telling me to be careful at work, to not talk too much about my baby and to lay low? I asked why I shouldn’t talk about my baby as I’m a new mom I’m 12 weeks pregnant and excited. She goes “well you DO know that people talk about you right?” (I’ve only had 3 employees with issued with me in the entire store of 180 employees) I say of course i know that. I’m autistic and not dumb I’m used to people talking shit. Well she responded that people have been making threats about me. That they hope I have a miscarriage, that they’d find a way to hurt me “accidentally”

I don’t know how to process this. I don’t feel safe and honestly I had planned on staying till January when new vacation and profit sharing checks hit…but now…idk I don’t know if I should go to the store manager with more evidence if it comes up or not…I’ve never been in a situation where people are actively threatening me to others What do I do?

Edit: 9/17/24 I’ve decided to bring this up with my store manager. I’ll record the conversation just as I have done with the problems before involving the person stated above and my other much younger manager. I don’t feel safe. I feel outcasted, I feel ostracized and discriminated against. I don’t care if it’s rumors. I don’t care if they are trying to be funny or act big and tough. I may not like them but all I’ve been asking for is pregnancy rights and to be understood with my disability. I’ve brought up issues before with said person always being so rude, disrespectful and derogatory towards me with nothing being done to reprimand or even discourage the behavior. And at this point I don’t care about the vacation. I don’t care about the IPS bonus. I DONT feel safe. I feel threatened and if it takes me having to drop part time and quit early I will. If that’s a win to this lady….then so be it. It’s so vile to treat people like that or to talk about them in such a way to others… I’ve prayed for them and their situations before when they’ve wronged me and I’ll continue to do so even now…but….I cannot be at that store anymore with the lack of support and respect… I can’t work at the big Green M anymore. I’m waiting till we get into our new house and I’m putting my notice in…I can’t risk the health of my child. I just cant.

submitted by /u/waste_of_space1803
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