Studying Abroad in Costa Rica: Sophia’s Journey to paradise

When it comes to studying abroad, choosing the right location can be a difficult task. But for Sophia, a 22 – year old international relations and management student from Germany, Costa Rica ticked all the boxes. From improving her Spanish to enjoying the country’s stunning beaches, Sophia’s semester abroad with Asia Exchange was an experience that not only enriched her academic journey but also allowed her to grow personally.

Picture from Sophia’s Instagram – @sosie_q

Why Costa Rica? 

“I was already learning Spanish as part of my degree, and I thought Costa Rica would be a great place to practice it.” – Sophia

Sophia’s decision to study in Costa Rica was driven by both academic and personal desires. As part of her degree, she was already learning Spanish. This meant Costa Rica was the perfect destination to sharpen her language skills. Costa Rica’s clear and neutral Spanish accent made it easier for her to grasp the language, though she also noted some regional vocabulary differences compared to what she learned in Spain Spanish.

“I must admit, I wanted to go to the beach!” – Sophia

Of course, it wasn’t just about the language. The allure of warm weather and breathtaking coastlines played a big role in her choice. Every weekend, Sophia would escape to explore another beach, and despite local warnings about “ugly beaches,” she found them all stunning. 

Picture from Sophia’s Instagram – @sosie_q

Navigating Language Barriers 

“The cab drivers, the people in restaurants, their English wasn’t great, but they really appreciated it when you tried to speak Spanish.” – Sophia

While the university in San José was mostly English-speaking, Sophia found her Spanish skills invaluable when venturing out to more rural areas. These everyday interactions helped her improve her language abilities, and the locals were always willing to help when they saw her making the effort. 

A Different Academic Experience 

“In Germany, we don’t really have homework or class preparations, you just show up. In Costa Rica, the teaching style was much more interactive.” – Sophia

Studying at her Costa Rican university was a new academic experience for Sophia, as it differed from the more traditional structure she was used to in Germany. With smaller class sizes (her largest was only 20 students), Sophia enjoyed the personal connection with professors, who knew students by name and frequently checked in on them. 

Picture from Sophia’s Instagram – @sosie_q

“The professors were so supportive and always made time for us, whether we had a weekend trip coming up or were just struggling with an assignment.” – Sophia

The more engaged teaching style and discussions made learning much more enjoyable for Sophia, giving her confidence to succeed in this new academic setting. 

A Home Away from Home 

One of the highlights of Sophia’s time in Costa Rica was staying with a local host family. Her host family, an older couple and their son, was warm and welcoming from the moment she arrived. The family helped her with practical things like getting a local SIM card and even took her on trips around town, giving her a real taste of local life. 

“They were so kind to me, always encouraging me to speak Spanish, even when I didn’t feel confident” – Sophia

She also stated that, staying with a host family was also a safer choice for a young woman living abroad. Her host family guided her on where to go and where to avoid, ensuring she stayed safe while exploring the city. 

Picture from Sophia’s Instagram – @sosie_q

Traveling and Adventures 

“Really, every place we went to was so beautiful!” – Sophia

Every weekend was an opportunity for adventure, and Sophia certainly made the most of it. She traveled extensively around Costa Rica, and one of her favorite destinations was the Manuel Antonio National Park, home to some of the country’s most beautiful beaches.

It wasn’t just the places that made her trips memorable; the people did too. Staying in hostels for the first time, Sophia found a welcoming and social atmosphere, where fellow travelers were always eager to share tips and adventures. 

“Everyone had that backpacker vibe, and it was easy to connect with people.” – Sophia

Picture from Sophia’s Instagram – @sosie_q

Challenges and Growth 

“The online system was different, and at first, I missed an assignment because I didn’t know how it worked” – Sophia

Despite the enriching experience, Sophia faced some minor challenges, particularly adjusting to a new educational system. But the supportive environment, both from professors and fellow students, helped her quickly adapt. 

“I learned a lot about being independent, especially with solo traveling” – Sophia

This experience helped Sophia grow in ways she didn’t expect. Not only did she boost her academic skills, but her confidence in speaking Spanish grew as well. She stated that she got a lot of positive reactions and support from the locals with her Spanish.

Advice for Future Students 

“You’re going to need warm clothes!” – Sophia

Sophia offers some practical advice for anyone considering studying abroad in Costa Rica. This might seem weird when coming to a country like Costa Rica, but she noted that the air conditioning indoors can be quite chilly despite the warm tropical climate. Additionally, she recommends taking advantage of the country’s affordable and efficient bus system to travel between cities. 

Above all, Sophia emphasizes the importance of embracing the local culture and making an effort with the language!

Picture from Sophia’s Instagram – @sosie_q

A Semester to Remember 

For Sophia, her semester abroad in Costa Rica was more than just an academic requirement. It was a life-changing adventure. From improving her Spanish and experiencing a new educational system to forming deep connections with locals and fellow students, she walked away with invaluable skills and memories. As she returns to her studies in Germany, Sophia knows that her time in Costa Rica has shaped her into a more confident, independent, and open-minded person. 

Do you want to experience an unforgettable study abroad semester?

Like Sophia, you can enjoy productive and life-changing study abroad through Asia Exchange & Beyond Abroad, Keystone Education Group companiesIn addition to Costa Rica, we offer other exciting destinations in Asia, EuropeLatin America and Australia!

Apply now to start upgrading your education while enjoying the thrilling benefits of studying abroadYou may also book a free counseling session for inquiries.

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