Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad in Leeds

Studying abroad is filled with exciting adventures and personal growth. If I could go back in time, I would choose to study abroad every single time. But as with any big life decision, there are a few things I wish I had known beforehand to make the experience smoother. If you’re planning to study abroad, here are some tips that might save you from a few bumps along the way.

1. The Paperwork Never Ends

First I had to apply to my program, and with getting my transcript, asking for recommendations, and researching and writing essays, it felt like I was applying to college all over again. Once I was accepted, I thought I was done for the most part, but that was only the beginning. I still had to register and report courses, apply for housing, sign legal documents, submit flight information and passport information, and whatever else came up along the way. There were so many deadlines to keep up with, and it all went so fast while I had classes, co-op, and travel as well. I would have stayed more organized and set reminders if I had known how much I would have to manage so that it was not as overwhelming.

2. Be Aware of the Exchange Rate

The UK has a fairly high cost of living, and I especially felt that with the pound being worth more than the dollar. I had to buy lotion once because the cold weather was drying my skin out. I liked one that was £16, and without thinking, my brain processed this as costing around $16. However, I was surprised to find a $22 charge on my card after the exchange rate and 20% VAT on cosmetics was accounted for. Exchange rates seem pretty intuitive, but it can escape one’s mind when making a quick purchase, so it is important to be cautious of that.

3. Homesickness is Real

With the excitement of living abroad and how short 3 months seemed to me, I did not expect to feel homesick often. Once I was a month into studying abroad, it hit me like a bus. Having never lived away from my parents, I missed them and our home cooked dinners. It was especially difficult during events like birthdays and Thanksgiving. I wanted to hug my family, walk around Center City with my friends, and host movie nights in our pajamas, but I had no choice but to wait. It got easier later on when I settled into my new routine and made good friends at Leeds, but there was always something I missed from home lingering in my mind.

4. Keep Up with Events Even Before Arriving

With countless events being hosted every week at the University of Leeds, it is difficult to keep up with all of them. I missed some events I was interested in during in in Welcome Week and the first couple weeks just because I did not know about them earlier. I would recommend researching before you arrive on campus and writing down what you want to participate in. For ticketed events, they can sell out fast, so make sure to stay on top of that. The societies in Leeds were very active on social media, so it helps to follow the ones you are interested in on Instagram and join group chats on WhatsApp.

5. Pack for Hiking and Rain

It rains in the UK…like a lot. When I arrived to Leeds, I became interested in a university group called Get Out, Get Active, which hosted hiking trips to various areas in/near Yorkshire. Where there is rain, there is mud, so it was essential that I had waterproof hiking shoes, which I did not. I was able to buy a pair in Leeds, but I could have brought some from home and saved money. Not everyone is going to want to go on hikes, but it is safe to assume you will be traveling while you are abroad. When packing, be mindful of how much you will have to walk and the clothes the weather will require you in order to make your life easier.

Taken after a muddy hike in Chatsworth from October.

Studying abroad has undoubtedly been one of the most enriching experiences I have had. I faced bumps along the way, but I do not hold any regrets. The key is to be prepared, stay flexible, and embrace the highs and lows. If you are resilient and willing to learn, you can overcome the challenges and will be ready to deal with them even more efficiently in the future.

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