Time Flies When you Are Having Fun

– Sofia

Intentionally, I decided not to delve into the minutia of studying abroad in Edinburgh before arriving. I wanted to be surprised, learn how to adapt, and see what would happen. The thing I most worried about was losing the quotidian occurrences I value during the school year -a specific schedule, being able to chat with professors, routines that force me to be busy every day, and the availability of food I enjoy eating- would be flipped upside down. Perhaps it’s because the United States and Scotland are not insanely dissimilar, or because I sought similarities out, but I found myself chugging along, living, how I always do, but with routines that seemed to bring me more joy than back home. 

Being able to walk or hop on the semi-reliable bus 35 to classes, the free-from brownies at Sainsbury’s, and packing an umbrella all became part of my new normal. Sweating profusely and stripping off my layers as I make my way into class because of the humidity and realizing i need to wear cotton layers. Using words like “wee” and putting an x at the end of some text messages became part of my daily communication. 

I did not think I would adapt as well as I did. On my second day here, I was determined to see the ocean. I took the thirty-five to Ocean Terminal, since I figured I would reach the sea and instead saw industrial infrastructure and an Aldi for the first time. Aldi devolved into an obsession with Lidl, Home Bargains, Pound Land, and B&M and the vast array of goods I could get so inexpensively. 

Time flies when you are having fun. Outside of a robust social life, I cannot believe how much I have enjoyed my classes. Even the hours I’ve spent over policy briefs and quantities traded felt special because these are courses I could not take back home, experiences I am having abroad. The people I have met in my classes, a lot of them other visiting students, have so many interesting and new perspectives I would not have been able to hear about at most other universities.  

There are a lot of things that make Edinburgh and this university so unique; it attracts people from all over the world, while centering students on the history and culture of Scotland. Hindsight can be a bitter thing, and while I wish I would not be so stressed about academics and spent less money, there is little I would do different. I don’t regret traveling, meeting new people, or allowing myself to have breaks alone. What I regret most is not budgeting my purchases at Meadowbank, I would say.  

My time here has been a blur of joy, friendship, and appreciating how green everything around me is. I’m over halfway through my time here, and I’m in shock. I don’t know what is going to happen my next six weeks here, and I can barely summarize what’s happened the past twelve because it’s been so fast and breathless. What I can say is I am excited to write more about the trips I have taken, life-hacks I have figured out for finding cheap flights, and the importance of taking time for yourself while abroad.  

I’ll write from the next time I can take a breath! 

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