Well, I just got fired for the first time in my adult life

I never thought I’d be in the position. I’ve always had a job and have always been a good employee wherever I worked. Never even gotten a formal warning/pip or anything.

I left a job I was at for 3 years for a new opportunity. Tomorrow would have made a month at the new job. The first couple weeks were a little rough, because it was new, but it’s not honestly a hard job, so I felt like I was getting in a flow for the last couple weeks. I took notes on absolutely everything in a big google doc so I didn’t have to ask the same questions repeatedly.

I didn’t love the women I was working with in the small office. It felt very cliquey and it was making me feel left out. Plus, they just weren’t really people I jive with. We didn’t get into disagreements or anything, but generally not people I want to spend 40 hours with. I actually considered applying to other jobs but I felt bad about them investing time into training me, so I thought I’d give it a fair shot at least. That was a mistake clearly.

Today, I worked till lunch and then got called into the office with my direct supervisor and 2 managers. They said they didn’t feel like I was “catching on” and they have to let me go. I said I disagree with that completely and felt like I was getting into a flow, and could they please give me an example of what they mean. They gave me 2 bullshit examples. One, which did happen, but was missing a lot of context…and even if it wasn’t, a very minor thing to fire somebody over, especially a new person. And the other, was half true, also missing context, and also included a lie. Again, quite minor…especially to fire a new person over when it was their very first time completing the task. I essentially just gave my rebutted, reiterated that I didn’t agree, but said that it was obviously the choice they’ve made, and left. I didn’t raise my voice, I didn’t get mean. Just told them professionally that I thought it was bullshit, grabbed my things, and walked out the door.

What it really boils down to is that they just didn’t like me. Which fair, I didn’t like them either. But again, we didn’t argue or bicker or anything. A couple of them were bitchy to me a couple times, and I held my tongue as the new girl. One of them tried to be nice I think, but she took everything SO literally, so she annoyed me. There was multiple times where we had a circular conversation because she couldn’t grasp what I was saying (example:scanner vs copier lol). I felt like maybe she thought I was being rude a time or 2, but I was really just clarifying what I meant because she was treating me like I was dumb..when it was really her not being able to communicate properly.

I would have at least respected it a lot more if they said I just wasn’t fitting in (which is a valid reason too imo), instead of giving some bullshit reasons.

Either way, it feels like it came out of left field. I’m somebody that always thinks I’m going to get fired because I’m an anxious person lol, and this blindsided me. They’re paying me till the end of the month, so that’s nice at least.

In a way, I felt relief, because it wasn’t working for me either, and now I don’t have to be the bad guy. But I’m just in a panic about money and health insurance. I don’t have a lot of savings and I had cancer earlier this year (which I was open about, maybe also dumb). I’m not even sure if I can apply for unemployment since I hadn’t even been there a full month. I had a lot of interviews before this, and this was the only one that panned out, so I don’t think it will be easy to get a new one. I’m stressing out.

submitted by /u/Either_Cabinet_655
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