What in the hell is the job market right now?

Just need to vent.

I’ve done over 300 applications over the last two months and many over the six months prior. I knew my department was trying to force me out since the majority of the heads have been scrambling and pointing fingers at everyone after the company has plummeted over the last year due to multiple policy changes, favoritism, and now losing over 60% of their top performers due to the heads of the company really showing their true colors.

I took a leave for the holidays (followed the protocol to a T) because of how chaotic it got and then surprise most of my team and I were let go. Their reasoning for me was because supposedly the paperwork was filed late (they didnt process it due to being off for the week of thanksgiving).

So here I am filling out application after application day after day and rejection after rejection is flooding in and I have some bones to pick.

Why the hell do applications whether they are in person or remote 1. Ask you to upload your resume then make you fill in all of the information yourself? AND most sites give an error message if you copy and paste from the doc your resume is in? 2. What is the point of saying all applicants welcome if at minimum you have some odd years experience in specific field or category and at minimum a HS Diploma and then saying you didn’t meet the qualifications in a copy and paste response? 3. Also responses, I finally took a note from one of my former mentors and would respond back with some generic kind “Thank you for taking the time to look things over, may I ask what led to the decision and what general suggestions would you give in feedback for the future?” (Not exact wording just paraphrasing because im rambling and fuming right now) and I shit you not every single one who even chose to respond has been more agitated and defensive. 4. The scams. My god the scams. I’ve been offered 19, yes 19 “jobs” 11 of which immediately spammed me asking me to “download” the check theyre sending me to deposit to buy me equipment so I can start tomorrow. 5. I’ve also had legitimate companies (rhymes with BBS) accidentally send me a denial letter addressed to someone else with their prior employment history detailed in the denial letter.

I’ve even had mcdonalds and starbucks of all fucking places deny me because of my “qualifications” or “we don’t have a role that fits your needs”

What the actual hell is going on. “No body wants to work” my fucking ass. I was unemployed for over a year due to covid and even had to relocate because of it (which I also mention ~professionally~ so they’re not just looking at a gap in my resume) but i’m about to lose my mind. What the hell is going on.

submitted by /u/Staticbitch
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