Who has been “slow” fired?

I don’t what the right terminology is but I am calling it a “slow termination.”

I have been with my current company over 8 years and team over 6 (specific role 3 years). I have not been happy for a long time in the job but have stayed out of comfort? Not knowing what to do next? Money? Lots of things but I have been the one steady thing on the team for the last 6 years. It was a brand new team that started around 6 years ago and I have been there since the beginning. It was just my manager and me for a while and then an intern up until 3 years ago. Then we had 2 full time people and manager. The other full time person left last year and took us 6 months to hire someone new so we had me and an intern for 6 months. Then the last 10ish months it has been 2 full time people and an intern and now adding in a 3rd full time person in a few weeks. Backstory is to show that I have been the backbone of the team for 6 years, training new person after another. In my time, I have trained now 4 interns and 2 full time staff. Our team is small and lean but responsible for a lot.

With all that said, I have never loved what I do but there are aspects I like developing new associates. I also am a super people pleaser (working on it) and have stayed because I don’t want to put others in a bad place. My husband and I have been discussing me leaving and spending more time with our child this past year. I was hoping to go part time or find something less stressful but decided against asking for part time because our new hire is expecting and will be out 4 month after only being on 6 weeks. The plan was to wait and discuss more with my boss in 2025.

However, my boss asked as they do how I was feeling about my role/where I see myself long term the other week. Well lesson learned on my part,do not be honest. As they say, whatever you say, can and will be used against you.

I was honest and said I didn’t see myself in the role long term and didn’t love key aspects of the job. I figured we would have further discussion on career goals. My managers has also been putting what I believe are unrealistic expectations on me the last several months.

I have been working a lot these past few months with feedback I have been given to be better and felt good with my progress.

Well, my progress was not enough and me being honest with my career outlook was a bad idea. My manager took that information and decided she needed to let me go and find someone better. She needs someone passionate about the job so they will be looking for someone new with me staying thought the end of the year.

It really is a good thing because it is what I wanted in the long run but it is going to be mentally challenging the next 5 mont. also, it isn’t on my terms.

I am going to take the time to figure out what I really want to do. I am fortunate enough to have a supportive partner. Who has deal with this long termination period and how did you get through it?

submitted by /u/runasaurus77
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