Why Most People Choose The Wrong Career Path

Most people who choose the wrong career path fall into what I call the “first job that comes along” syndrome. It’s a classic mistake where you’re so relieved to land a job that you don’t pause to think about whether it’s a good fit.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever taken a job simply because it sounded good or paid well, only to realize once you’re in it that it’s not the right job for you. You quickly discover exactly what you don’t want in a role, but by then, you’re already in it.

The “First Job That Comes Along” Syndrome & The Importance Of Self-Assessment

The problem with this syndrome is that it leaves you with a “rock” in your career journey. I keep a rock on my desk as a reminder because, for many of us, these experiences—like taking a job that wasn’t the right fit—can weigh us down, making us doubt ourselves. But let me be clear: You didn’t make a bad decision. At the time, you simply didn’t have enough information to make an informed choice.

Each of these jobs you’ve taken has taught you something, especially what you don’t want in your next job. The mistake many of us make, however, is that we continue jumping from job to job, just trying to avoid those unwanted aspects. This leads to a cycle of career dissatisfaction. You realize you chose the wrong career path, but you don’t know how to choose the right one.

Here’s where I want to stop you. Let’s clear the slate and drop those “rocks” for a moment. Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, let’s figure out who you are as a professional. How do you like to create value? What excites you? What kind of work would make your day feel less like a grind and more like fulfillment?

To get this clarity, we need to explore several key areas:

  • What role does your career play in your life? Is it just a way to pay the bills, something that brings satisfaction, or a calling that defines you?
  • What are your work preferences? Your communication style? How do you learn best on the job?
  • What types of tasks energize you, and which ones drain you?

Most people don’t take the time to assess these things—and unfortunately, it’s not something we’re taught to do in school. Instead, we end up following what others suggest, which often leads us down a path of trial and error. That’s why so many people hit a career crisis two or three jobs in, wondering how they ended up in a field they despise.

One of the biggest hurdles to making a change at this point is career continuity. Employers often hire based on your past experience, which makes switching careers feel like starting over. And let’s be honest, who wants to start over—especially if you’ve built a lifestyle around your current salary?

So what’s the solution? Deep self-assessment. And I have two free tools that can help you do that right now.

Tool #1: The ISAT (Interaction Style Assessment Test)

This quiz is going to tell you what your dominant communication style is in the workplace. Are you a Contemplator, a Commander, an Energizer, or an Empathizer? Understanding this about yourself can help you figure out why some jobs have been a better fit than others. Plus, it’ll shed light on why you get along with certain co-workers but struggle with others. You can take this free quiz here.

Tool #2: The Career Decoder

Work It Daily's Career Decoder Quiz free resource

Back in 2015, we developed this quiz after coaching thousands of professionals who didn’t know what kind of work they wanted to do. This quiz asks a series of “would you rather” questions that reveal your top three workplace personas. There are eight workplace personas in total—eight ways people like to create value in their jobs—and while we’re capable of doing all eight, we don’t enjoy them equally.

By identifying your top three workplace personas, we can match your natural strengths and preferences with job roles that are a better fit. You can take this free quiz here.

When you combine the results of the Career Decoder with your ISAT results, you’ll start to see a clear picture of the types of jobs and environments that align with who you are as a professional.

Start Your Journey Today

In just a few minutes, these two quizzes will give you powerful insights into why you’ve enjoyed certain roles more than others—and, more importantly, they’ll help guide you toward the jobs that will truly light you up, getting you on the right career path. You can find both quizzes here.

If this resonates with you, it’s time to shift your focus from what you don’t want in a job to discovering who you are and what kind of work brings out your best self. Start unlocking your professional potential today!

Good luck! Go get ’em.

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