Why You Got Ghosted After An Interview (And What To Do Now)

You nailed the interview, or at least you thought you did. Days turn into weeks, and all you hear is…silence. If you’ve ever been ghosted after a job interview, you’re not alone. While it’s frustrating and can leave you second-guessing everything, there are often hidden reasons why employers go radio silent. It’s Not You, It’s … Read more

Diploma in Business Administration in Canada: A Comprehensive Guide – AEC

Canada has emerged as one of the top destinations for international students, especially for those looking to pursue business studies. Among the myriad of courses available, the Diploma in Business Administration in Canada is a popular choice, offering a blend of academic knowledge and practical skills that are essential for a successful career in the … Read more

People who are really difficult to be around often exhibit these 9 behaviors (without realizing it)

We’ve all encountered that one person who’s difficult to be around. They may not mean to be problematic, but their actions tend to rub people the wrong way. The tricky part is, these individuals often aren’t aware of their irksome behavior. They go about their day oblivious to the discomfort they cause. So, what makes … Read more

9 signs you’re an INFJ, the world’s rarest personality type

Being an INFJ, the world’s rarest personality type, is a unique experience. It’s like being a rare gem, incredibly valuable but sometimes hard to spot. Navigating the world as an INFJ can often feel like a puzzle, with your deep intuition and complex inner world leaving you feeling misunderstood or different. If you’ve ever wondered … Read more

Study in Singapore for Indian Students: Universities, Courses, Fee & Scholarship | Admissify

Last Updated on September 23, 2024 Want to study in Singapore? Get expert advice on top universities in Singapore, courses, costs, student visas, admission process, scholarships, and placements. Study in Singapore: Singapore has become famous for international students, offering top-quality education and excellent job opportunities. Many students succeed after studying in Singapore and getting jobs … Read more

7 Types of Workplace Conflicts

With the pandemic now under control, many businesses are asking their employees to return to work in the office. While some employees may be okay with returning to the office to continue working, others may not be happy to do so because of conflicts in the workplace. Workplace conflict is not a rare occurrence because … Read more

Stay single until you meet someone with these 10 rare qualities

There’s a vast difference between settling for just anyone and waiting for someone special. The distinction boils down to standards. Settling is accepting someone who doesn’t quite meet your expectations or values, often due to fear of being alone. Waiting, however, is about holding out for that person who truly matches your standards, who embodies … Read more