Day Off In Kyoto (You Know, Like The Phoebe Bridgers Song)

Day Off In Kyoto (You Know, Like The Phoebe Bridgers Song)

Written by Samara Mroczkowski (Washington State University), Student Correspondent for CET Japan, Fall 2024 Why Is It So Hot? The most common question I’ve been asked by my family and friends while I’ve been in Japan has been “How is it over there?” And the first thing I say, before anything else is, “It’s hot, it’s so hot … Read more

If a man is truly in love with you, he’ll usually display these subtle 8 behaviors

If a man is truly in love with you, he’ll usually display these subtle 8 behaviors

Understanding love can often feel like trying to decipher a complex code. But here’s the thing – when a man is genuinely in love with you, he’ll show some subtle behaviors. Now, these aren’t grand gestures of love we see in movies. They’re small, unassuming actions that speak volumes about his feelings. As someone who’s … Read more

If you really want to live a joyful life, start saying no to these 9 things

If you really want to live a joyful life, start saying no to these 9 things

Living a joyful life often comes down to making the right choices. But it’s not just about saying yes to happiness and positivity, it’s also about learning to say no. Saying no to certain things can actually free up space for joy and contentment in your life. In fact, there are 9 things in particular … Read more

21 Inspirational Career Quotes To Help You Get Motivated

21 Inspirational Career Quotes To Help You Get Motivated

It’s not uncommon to feel lost when embarking on your job search journey. After all, school teaches us everything except how to get a job. What should you put on your resume? What questions should you ask in an interview? How can you stand out in the hiring process when there’s so much competition? Are … Read more

Beyond the Classroom: Experiencing Bali’s Culture and Adventure Through Bali Beyond Borders

Beyond the Classroom: Experiencing Bali’s Culture and Adventure Through Bali Beyond Borders

Studying abroad isn’t just about attending lectures and earning academic credits. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone, immersing yourself in new cultures, and gaining experiences that change the way you see the world. Bali Beyond Borders is a short-term study program that offers much more than classroom learning—it’s an adventure of cultural immersion … Read more

Why Belgium is a Top Choice for English-Taught Bachelors

Why Belgium is a Top Choice for English-Taught Bachelors

Belgium is the ultimate destination for students who wish to eat, drink and be merry – and benefit from an excellent education in the heart of Europe. Its reasonable tuition fees and affordable cost of living make it attractive to international students -120,000 of who have chosen to study in Belgium. The abundance of top-notch … Read more

10 life lessons 97% of people learn a bit too late in life, according to psychologists

10 life lessons 97% of people learn a bit too late in life, according to psychologists

There’s a clear distinction between learning life’s lessons early or way too late. The crux of the matter is timing. Learning important lessons too late can mean missed opportunities and unnecessary hardships. According to psychologists, around 97% of people fall into this trap – learning essential life lessons a bit too late. But what if … Read more

If you’ve had these 10 experiences in life, you’re gaining wisdom and maturity

If you’ve had these 10 experiences in life, you’re gaining wisdom and maturity

Wisdom and maturity aren’t just about age. They’re about life experiences, the lessons we learn and how we grow from them. It can be tough to know if we’re really maturing, or just going through the motions. But, there are certain experiences that serve as markers on the path to wisdom. If you’ve gone through … Read more

How To Make Small Talk: 15 Tips & Why You Shouldn’t Avoid It

How To Make Small Talk: 15 Tips & Why You Shouldn’t Avoid It

How To Make Small Talk: 15 Tips & Why You Shouldn’t Avoid It was originally published on Jaunty. Small talk is a learnable social skill that’s essential to helping you navigate every social situation, from working and networking events to casual gatherings. Making small talk is the art of engaging in light conversation. It’s an important … Read more