If someone uses these 9 phrases, they were raised with impeccable manners

If someone uses these 9 phrases, they were raised with impeccable manners

Manners are more than just a veneer of social niceties. They reflect a deep-seated respect for others and a commitment to building positive relationships. Raised in an environment where impeccable manners are the norm, some individuals have an innate understanding of how to interact with others in a respectful and considerate manner. There are certain … Read more

If a man uses these 10 phrases in a conversation, he sees you as a potential life partner

If a man uses these 10 phrases in a conversation, he sees you as a potential life partner

There’s a vast chasm between a man simply liking you and him seeing you as potential life partner material. The difference lies in the words. When a man is eyeing you as his potential “forever”, his language subtly changes, often revealing his deeper intentions. In the game of love, these verbal cues become invaluable. They’re … Read more

Addressing Conflict of Interest @ Work

Addressing Conflict of Interest @ Work

In every industry or organisation, conflicts of interest can appear once in a while. These conflicts, if left unaddressed, cannot only erode an employee’s trust in the organisation but also tarnish the organisation’s reputation. It’s crucial to understand and address these issues promptly to prevent such negative impacts. As an HR professional, manager, or employee, … Read more

People who give more than they take in relationships usually display these 8 subtle behaviors

People who give more than they take in relationships usually display these 8 subtle behaviors

In relationships, there’s a unique breed of people who always seem to give more than they take. They’re not doormats, they’re givers. And they’re not just generous with their time and resources, but with their kindness, patience, and understanding as well. As Tina Fey, the founder of the Love Connection blog and a relationship expert, … Read more

2024 Scholar Updates

2024 Scholar Updates

Elizabeth Katayev Scholar 2021-2025 My name is Elizabeth Katayev. I’m currently in my senior year at Hofstra University.  I am pursuing a double major in Psychology and Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, along with minors in Marketing and Human Services. I am deeply committed to understanding the intersections of human behavior, cultural dynamics, and effective communication … Read more

If you want a stronger bond with your children as they get older, say goodbye to these 5 habits

If you want a stronger bond with your children as they get older, say goodbye to these 5 habits

As parents, we all want a close, trusting relationship with our children that lasts well into their adult years.  But the truth is, some common parenting behaviors, though well-intentioned, may actually prevent the deep connection we hope to share with our children as they grow up.  Today, we’re exploring five habits that might be holding … Read more

Why You’re Getting Interviews But No Job Offers

Why You’re Getting Interviews But No Job Offers

It’s not uncommon to feel lost when embarking on your job search journey. After all, school teaches us everything except how to get a job. What should you put on your resume? What questions should you ask in an interview? How can you stand out in the hiring process when there’s so much competition? Are … Read more

Weekend in NYC

Weekend in NYC

Hey everyone! I just got back from a weekend in New York City with some friends. We were a group of eight, with five of us (three girls and two guys) staying together in an Airbnb, while the other three had their own places to crash. We wanted to pack in as much as possible … Read more