If you recognize these 8 signs, you’re holding onto childhood heartache (without realizing it)

Have you ever found yourself reacting to something in the present that seems way bigger than the situation calls for? Maybe a casual comment feels like a personal attack or a minor disagreement with a loved one leaves you spiraling into self-doubt. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone—and it might be a clue that … Read more

If you want to take control of your life and stop being a pushover, say goodbye to these 7 behaviors

Taking control of your life starts with setting boundaries and valuing your own voice. If you often find yourself saying “yes” when you want to say “no” or letting others dictate your choices, it’s time to make a change. Being a pushover not only affects your confidence but also limits your potential. Here are seven … Read more

If you want to age like a pro, these 8 habits will keep you thriving

Aging gracefully isn’t about avoiding wrinkles and gray hair. It’s about maintaining your health, energy, and zest for life. These are things you can control. It’s not about luck or genetics. It’s about habits. In this article, I’m going to share eight habits that can help you age like a pro. These are habits that … Read more

People who truly believe they are enough often display these 8 powerful traits

Self-confidence and self-worth are not just buzzwords, they’re powerful traits that can shape our lives. But how do we recognize people who genuinely believe they’re enough? They often exhibit a set of distinct characteristics that set them apart. These traits aren’t elusive, but recognising them can be a game-changer. In this piece, we will delve … Read more

Reclaiming Your Energy: Ways to Stay Productive While Battling Burnout

Reclaiming Your Energy: Ways to Stay Productive While Battling Burnout was originally published on Ivy Exec. Burnout is more than just feeling tired; it’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or overwork. When burnout takes hold, even the simplest tasks can feel overwhelming, making it difficult to stay productive … Read more

Bridges, Parks, and Domino’s: my Philly Adventure

As an international student from Monaco spending a quarter at Drexel University, every week feels like a new adventure. This past week was no exception, filled with new experiences, local traditions, and little moments of joy that make Philadelphia feel more like home. This week I tried Domino’s for the very first time. Growing up … Read more