10 phrases only manipulative individuals use to gain control over others

There’s a fine line between influencing someone and manipulating them. Manipulation, unlike influence, is about controlling others by hiding your true motives. It’s about making them do what you want, not what they choose. Manipulative individuals have a knack for using certain phrases to gain control over others. These phrases are subtle, often sounding innocent … Read more

Why So Many New Year’s Resolutions Fail And How Yours Can Succeed – Kathy Caprino

Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Becoming The Most Powerful and Confident You” Every year when the holiday season rolls around, we hear about New Year’s Resolutions and often folks share their big, exciting goals and plans for achieving them. Many of my clients and course members reach out for help too, to receive ongoing support … Read more

If you want to surround yourself with people who celebrate you, say goodbye to these 9 behaviors

Imagine feeling truly appreciated and celebrated by the people around you — wouldn’t that be incredible? Well, it’s not as far-fetched as it might seem. You see, in my journey of personal growth, I’ve discovered certain behaviors that can push people away rather than draw them in. As I’ve learned to let go of these, … Read more

Perfectionism is Not Pathology

If you’re a perfectionist, there’s no cure. That’s according to Katherine Morgan Schafler, who has written The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power. In it, she frees up perfectionists to lean into their perfectionism as long as it’s working for them and doing no harm. Schafler has developed a quiz … Read more

7 New Year’s Traditions from Around the World

Sparkly outfits, fireworks, and midnight countdowns are probably what come to mind when you think of New Year’s traditions. But around the world, people celebrate in ways that are anything but ordinary. From quirky traditions to meaningful rituals, New Year’s is more than just a party – it’s a chance to start fresh and make … Read more

Get to Know the High School Pre-College Program Coordinator at CIEE Kyoto!

初めまして・Hello・Apa khabar・Selamat・Nǐ hǎo・வணக்கம்・السلام عليكم   Greetings in languages I hold dear! My name is Nur Izzah Liyana Binti Mat Nayan, but you can call me Riyana. I’m the Pre-College Program Coordinator at CIEE Kyoto, focusing on HSSA LC programs. Growing up in multicultural Malaysia taught me the value of tolerance and understanding. My love for … Read more

Student Blog Kyoto Open Campus Block2!

Authored by Diego Lara     When asked where my favorite place to study abroad is, I stopped to think about my experiences. I want to think about all the memories and pros and cons but I can never begin to describe the feeling of studying in Kyoto. How could a city so far away … Read more